Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The threats to children to silence colleagues who , far braver than he had ever been , asked the uncomfortable question , or asked any question at all .
2 This , I should stress , was a successful conversation — and the example could of course be extended , to include the times when we talked simultaneously , or interrupted each other , or gave multiple answers to the same question , as well as the times when there was unintelligibility , resulting from two of the four participants talking with their mouth full — but I leave all these to your imagination .
3 Once again , no party except ours seems to have grasped this simple point or made any proposal to act on it .
4 Most people , when they went out at night or approached another village , carried a stick or a handful of stones ; if one or two dogs in a pack had been wounded the others would pick up the aggressive intention and drop back sullenly .
5 Others made comments about the listed methods or provided more details .
6 Even if this were so , the implication has been made by catholic school supporters that catholic schools have not promoted or reinforced any measure of prejudice , and that no other possible type of school could improve on them ( Daly 1975 ) .
7 Around a million kitchens are purchased or upgraded each year in Great Britain .
8 Throughout the book he referred to it as the monster or used another word which expressed his hatred for it .
9 Hence questions about what social processes gave rise to or maintained such differences were never asked .
10 A man who wished to resist such turning could insist on keeping to the subject ; and forceful men who had the character of genial good nature could get away with open rebuttal of this kind ; but not all people who interrupted with open rebuttals acquired or maintained that character .
11 My ward is Braintree East and the only person who came round or dropped any literature in was Mr Elwyn Bishop for the Labour Party .
12 She repeatedly phoned Landlords , but was either unable to get an answer or told that manager Howard Keizner was unavailable .
13 Blissfully unaware that the full panoply of America 's military might was about to deliver him up to the majesty of American justice , President Reagan 's token terrorist was welcomed aboard Skunk Kilo by an undercover FBI team that was so wrought up by the occasion that in placing Younis under arrest they managed to break both his wrists , though he offered no resistance or showed any enthusiasm for the 12-mile swim back to Limassol .
14 Slave masters strode through the crowds of men and women whipping them if they slowed down or showed any interest in the travellers .
15 We remember who first performed that deed or developed this technique .
16 As amended in 1965 , it covered any person who in any public place or at any public meeting used threatening , abusive , or insulting words or behaviour or distributed or displayed any writing , sign , or other visible representation which was threatening , abusive , or insulting .
17 Various thoughts on a particular problem therefore gave rise to a variety of images , which might appear to contradict each other , but which either simply revealed the complexity of the problem or displayed several ways of stating the same answer .
18 A total of 87 per cent of those surveyed had not seen or heard any information on recent warnings across the country .
19 Or expressed another way , real exchange rates — that is nominal exchange rates adjusted for inflation differences — should remain more or less constant over time .
20 She refused to let him come with her , but reluctantly agreed that either he or Shelley could call and see her every day before she went out or undertook any exercise other than gentle walking .
21 McIntosh is too much the diplomat to say what he really thinks about the firm 's three year spell inside the TSB empire , except to say two things — firstly that he doubts whether it either made or lost much money on its investment , and secondly that Hill Samuel was very supportive once the decision to sell had been taken in principle .
22 put it in the shop window in New York on St Patrick 's Day along with forty shades of green paperweights , the lacquered shillelaghs , and the wonderful world of deedeelee eedeelee eedeelee Irishness ; skipping dancing jolly little leprechauns in bright buckled shoes and battered hatted bow legged bright red drunken faced gombeen men with little devils in their laughing Irish eyes , mischievous gossipy white haired old women with shawls , pure white skinned colleens skipping carefree through green fields dutifully ready to return in an instant to domestic chores , strapping athletic lads with fine belts and sturdy boots ever willing to put in a fair day 's work or hit each other a clout .
23 Having helped the farmer with his labours , the fenoderee , like all brownies , should not be thanked or offered any gifts , for he will be greatly offended and leave at once .
24 He no longer went to church , or saw any friends .
25 I feel now that if everybody looked after their own surroundings or took more notice of what 's going on immediately around them , the world might be a better place … ‘
26 Never before had Dustin been so exposed or felt such trepidation while awaiting their verdict on him .
27 She had never before seen or felt such vitality .
28 Or felt some disaffection to the place where she was ? ’
29 There are theoretical advantages in being large : large males can compete more easily for mates , and large females can bear larger ( and therefore more robust ) offspring , or lay more eggs .
30 With the best will in the world many cases have to be withdrawn or discontinued each year .
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