Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Large numbers were forced into tenancy or became agricultural labourers .
2 The industry used local resources ; charcoal and other articles were made from wood ; iron and silver ores were processed and fashioned ; and flax , hemp and wool were spun and woven into clothing , the Italian Chimney sweeps came to symbolize the migration at its most miserable , but other persons repaired watches or became itinerant vendors of fabric , haberdashery , and other items .
3 These families may be described as a traditional élite ; in the twentieth century they either found new sources of wealth and influence or became local notables .
4 The threats to children to silence colleagues who , far braver than he had ever been , asked the uncomfortable question , or asked any question at all .
5 The end labelled probe was mixed with 20µg of protein extract which had been preincubated with 5µg poly ( d ( I-C ) ) and single stranded or doubled stranded competitor DNA .
6 Tasks of this kind may need extensive practice by children with defective vision , since using their vision for learning may present difficulties in terms of blurring and distortion or a reduced or interrupted visual field .
7 This , I should stress , was a successful conversation — and the example could of course be extended , to include the times when we talked simultaneously , or interrupted each other , or gave multiple answers to the same question , as well as the times when there was unintelligibility , resulting from two of the four participants talking with their mouth full — but I leave all these to your imagination .
8 Oh , I suppose I could have written off and got a new length of rubber , or got old Cameron in the ironmonger 's shop to find me something , but it would never feel right again .
9 About 10 foreigners were among the victims of political violence in 1989 , with the result that foreign aid workers , archaeologists and tourists increasingly withdrew from or avoided rural areas .
10 To heighten comprehension , our information was presented using personal pronouns in deliberately short sentences that explained or avoided technical terms ; awareness could be further enhanced by issuing the information sheets ( customised for specific operations ) during the initial outpatient consultation , which would give patients more time to assimilate the facts .
11 By suggesting that the ‘ fun-loving ’ woman lodger shunned or avoided sexual intercourse with the landlord begins to suggest that the ‘ normal ’ occurrence is for women lodgers in such situations to allow sexual intercourse to take place .
12 Even when the working party has produced its final report as for History , or made strong recommendations after wide consultation , as for modern foreign languages , the Secretary of State may well have a strong influence on the final version that becomes part of legislation .
13 Back at the firm , did my colleagues ask if I had made any good deals , ordered too much or made new contacts ?
14 Once again , no party except ours seems to have grasped this simple point or made any proposal to act on it .
15 Others in the survey had reduced their hours of work or made special arrangements .
16 After six months : A choice of cow 's milk , water , or diluted real fruit juice .
17 More complicated manipulations may require the introduction of extra instruments , such as straight or recurved solid needles , a description of which can be found elsewhere ( 27 ) .
18 Using anti-env antiserum as the second layer , specific NIP.BSA-binding activity was detected in supernatants from pooled pNIPenv psi2 clones ( titre 10 3 G418 t.u. /ml ) and from clone psi2-NIPenv5 , but not from clone psi2-NIPenv1 or pooled psi2-DCNeo clones ( titre 10 3 G418 t.u. /ml ) .
19 sliced raw mushroom dipped in lemon juice and a slice of lean ham ; or a slice of lean ham , chopped and mixed with 2 tablespoons plain virtually fat-free fromage frais and 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard , on a bed of shredded red cabbage ; or diced cooked chicken breast , diced red or green pepper , a chopped pineapple ring , 1 teaspoon tomato purée ; all mixed with enough plain virtually fat-free yoghurt to moisten ; or bread spread with tomato purée topped with shredded lettuce and lean , grilled back bacon — visible fat removed .
20 The 600 Group made , or commissioned British firms to make , all the equipment in SCAMP .
21 This is an enterprise , supposedly conducted by a field linguist , of writing a ‘ translation manual ’ for a completely unknown language , with no help from bilingual speakers , previously prepared dictionaries or agreed general schemes .
22 Less is known however about the impact of second homes on the local environment , and although there has been a good deal of speculation about their impacts , as shown in Table 7.5 , there are few hard or agreed empirical data to back this up .
23 Thus so far as difficulty in settling for ourselves , or agreeing with others , on the right answer to an ethical question turns on disagreement or doubt about factual matters , agreement on which would cause settled or agreed ethical attitudes , there is a place for reason in ethics .
24 Cancers found at surgery performed for reasons other than high grade dysplasia or early carcinoma , such as debility or failed medical treatment , or low grade dysplasia , ( not a generally recognised indication for surgery ) can not be counted as successes of the surveillance policy either .
25 At the start — '68 , '69 , any shirt that was not ‘ fashion ’ was worn — old men 's collarless & collared baggy-bodied styles , t-shirts , etc .
26 In other words , I argue that the social work service offered to permanent new families , whatever their initial or planned legal status , should be different from that offered to the majority of foster families .
27 The other lesson that has come out of the work within the RAF and from the work done outside is that expert systems in particular , but AI in general will not come about as stand-alone , independent systems , but will be embedded or connected to existing or planned conventional computing .
28 Most people , when they went out at night or approached another village , carried a stick or a handful of stones ; if one or two dogs in a pack had been wounded the others would pick up the aggressive intention and drop back sullenly .
29 There was also a presumption that a notice would not be issued that was wider than necessary or involved excessive compliance costs .
30 Others made comments about the listed methods or provided more details .
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