Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] after [art] " in BNC.

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1 Data recording and assessment of results were carried out by a member of the unit who did not participate in endoscopic treatment or looked after the patients .
2 She struggled up , wiping a lump of mud from her forehead , and gazed after the car , which had not even slowed down .
3 The shop-woman smiled at her and asked after the bereaved family .
4 The other two Zimbalan bodyguards immediately drew their snub-nosed Smith & Wesson.38s and sprinted after the fleeing gunman .
5 It was over a titbit on the floor and occurred after a period when they growled at each other at feeding time .
6 I wound down the window of the car and shouted after the woman , ‘ Kilturk ? ’
7 Looking pink and refreshed after a short break , Mr Smith strode into the pokey committee rooms to a rabble-rousing welcome .
8 While 11 per cent were worried about flying , 90 per cent said they felt better and refreshed after a holiday .
9 She looked to Alexandra disgustingly spry and healthy , rosy and refreshed after an excellent night and full of happy anticipation at hearing of the dinner party .
10 In the event , he was defeated and fled after the death of most of his forces .
11 The car eventually pulled away from the kerb and drove after the F40 .
12 The devaluation was intended to assist a revival of exports and came after the announcement of October 's trade figures , the worst since January 1987 .
13 She stopped to catch a child by the hand and whisper some word which was rewarded with a kiss , then caught the corner of her veil to cover her already masked face as the chief driver came towards her for a quick answer to a query , always given and received after the words of greeting and queries as to health had been exchanged .
14 They were , however , opposed by many working people on the grounds that those in need — low-paid workers , including most female workers — could not afford to contribute , and deserved after a life of labour a benefit paid from taxation rather than from their own pockets .
15 The side windows were replaced in 1976 with plain glass , the lower parts frosted , and the main west window has been completely restored and reglazed after the original design in honour of the Centenary celebrations .
16 She used she used to count all the kids round the t table scrubbed table white after every meal you know scrubbed and rinsed after every meal .
17 The door swung open again and a blond man as muscled as the first and cleanshaven in white T-shirt and faded jeans paused casually at the kerb , looked right then left and walked after the bearded man .
18 And the of heaven was within and the waters returned to the earth and abated after the end of a hundred and fifty days .
19 Robyn swallowed and tried to work out whether she should feel relieved or even more depressed and decided after a moment on the latter .
20 So Breeze did her Christmas shopping alone , and looked after the house , and did the cooking .
21 Altogether I was away from Low Birk Hatt for two months and those kind neighbours of mine came to the rescue once again and looked after the animals .
22 I ca n't stand husbands who come home and say ‘ Oh look you 've done nothing all day , only a bit of housework and looked after the child ’ .
23 And this excitement , and the feeling of being involved in a half-guessed-at mystery , became her private obsession as she went about the house , visited the shops and looked after the children .
24 They used to be part and parcel of the water authorities and looked after the rivers when we were one big body , as a water authority .
25 She accompanied Clare herself to the Refuge and looked after the children while the women had a meeting with some councillors .
26 Mrs Parkin came to stay for a week and went after a day .
27 He drew his Browning Mk2 and went after the gunman .
28 While the organisers tried to keep track of all those who attended the conference , many people came and went after the initial registration period .
29 Luke wrestled one arm out of a sleeve and went after the cuff button .
30 William Swain collapsed and died after a distraction burglary at his home .
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