Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Or felt some disaffection to the place where she was ? ’
2 The novelist , William Hale White , felt that some of the men he had known before being expelled from a Congregational theological college ‘ would have had more genuine lives if they had stood behind counters or learned some craft than they ever had in the ministry ’ .
3 I believe that it was , or had some connection with , a species of agoraphobia , which in his case manifested itself as an acute fear of heights .
4 Having escorted Felicity Suvarov around St Mark 's cathedral , Julia had gone back to the Danieli hotel and shared some lunch with her .
5 He has expanded police powers , limited the formation of new parties , marginalised the old opposition and criminalised some types of political dissent .
6 It 's enough to make you drive all the way to south-west France and strew some beetroot on the lanes .
7 I embroidered a design and laid some flax on a scarf , and put it through the needles .
8 They would press for the international allocation of quotas , as well as mail and air freight , and expected some Commonwealth and European support .
9 I changed into Tommy 's uniform and met some others of the crew : Oliver , who was a waiter in the special dining car , like myself , and several of the sleeping-car attendants , one to each car the whole length of the train .
10 ‘ I worked in the country for a while and met some people who were trying to recreate Woodstock . ’
11 We refuelled , repaired the brakes and emptied some sand out of the aircraft , and the next day we checked the aircraft and weather and did some minor maintenance , returning to the hotel at 3.30 pm .
12 You went to Pem — ’ He pulled a diary out of his breast pocket and checked some notes at the end — ‘ on March 5 this year .
13 Oddly enough , one of Pierre Salinger 's researchers , Linda Mack , while trying to check me out , had talked to another of their staffers , David Mills — the former Newsweek photographer who 'd looked me up on Cyprus in 1987 and sold some pictures to Hurley .
14 The government 's anti-religious campaign in connection with the Church 's alleged refusal to donate money and valuables for the Famine crippled the reputation of church aid and made some priests unwilling to become entangled in relief work .
15 Once on the first aerodrome , Brueckner stopped and made some excuse about engine problems , saying that he had to try to get a key for the toolbox .
16 He said : ‘ If the Labour group had followed our recommendations they would have gained a prestigious shopping development and made some money for the poll taxpayers into the bargain . ’
17 She 'd bought some fancy underwear and was showing it to Franca and I came in and made some remarks .
18 ‘ I 've looked after myself and made some sacrifices .
19 I jumped in and frothed about a bit , then went back inside and made some coffee .
20 I wandered into the kitchen and made some coffee .
21 One leaned forward , his face almost touching hers , and made some comment to which she responded with another shriek of mirth .
22 The happiest results came when householders gave their evacuees time to settle in and made some attempt to understand their cultural differences .
23 For them it was enough that 1 , a Westerner from a God-forgotten , immoral country , believed and made some attempt to practise .
24 The coalition had regard to-the- mechanics of the single transferable vote and made some attempt to match the number of candidates nominated with the support which those candidates might expect to attract in each constituency .
25 Wilson nodded and dried her tears yet again and made some effort to smile .
26 Doone looked in briefly and made some remark about returning with assistance .
27 A man in a suit came up beside her and made some remark which caused Jane to throw her head back and cackle .
28 With an effort she looked away and made some remark to one of the schoolteachers and became consciously absorbed in the conversation which followed .
29 Mick came and made some tea and sat her down with a cup in her hands and tried to talk some sense into her .
30 Mr Venables disagreed and made some claim about tastebuds and their ‘ overstimulation ’ .
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