Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As a control , sections from all patient and control lungs were stained with ET-1 antiserum that had been immunoabsorbed with synthetic ET-1 overnight at 4°C , or incubated with normal goat serum instead of the primary antisera .
2 The only member of the squad who could ; the others hammered or pecked with two fingers , swore picturesquely , and reached for the erasing fluid .
3 Some are intersected with elegant stripes or studded with radiant spots ; others affect to be genteelly powdered or neatly fringed .
4 Flowers can transform the appearance of drinks , desserts and salads when they are sprinkled with petals , or garnished with whole flowers .
5 It was not clear whether the robber ever got out of the car or escaped with any of their valuables .
6 Meadows would be cut for hay once a year , and pastures would be grazed and never ploughed , planted or plied with artificial fertilisers and pesticides .
7 He was on the move again , whether he had annoyed the proprietor at his cheap hotel by his late night rowdiness , or quarrelled with one of the pimps because the girls staying there posed for him free or simply grown tired of the place , is not clear .
8 It was almost as if he had no body , because no part of it hurt , or itched , or shivered with cold , or even felt the wooden planking through the quilt .
9 Main trends : Christian Religious Knowledge syllabuses are rapidly developing joint denominational approaches ( Lesotho and Uganda ) and more slowly , but nevertheless steadily beginning to widen syllabuses , based on Bible knowledge and catechism , towards greater discussion of local and contemporary moral issues ( Kenya and Zambia ) ; local beliefs and customs are no longer excluded or contrasted with Christian beliefs .
10 We were given a lot of work to prepare in our spare time and I remember trying to keep warm in the daytime in an overcoat and scarf while I wrote an essay or struggled with Latin composition .
11 But whereas those first person narrators are fairly transparent surrogates for the implied authors of those novels , the first-person narrators of modernist texts are more ambiguous , less reliable witnesses to their own experience , and are often framed by or counterpointed with other narrators — as , for example , in Henry James 's The Turn of the Screw or Conrad 's Heart of Darkness .
12 In the dim light the gold and strong colours glittered and glowed with rich intensity .
13 Harry swallowed the soft strangulation of tears and clung with desperate hands to the obstinacy that must do duty for his flagging courage .
14 The moment had come upon him too soon ; he felt his knees soften , and clung with rigid fingers to the pillar behind which he sheltered .
15 After a pause Perkin put his back towards Gareth and his face down near mine and asked with perfect calmness , ‘ Do you know who shot you ? ’
16 I turned , and asked with real interest , " What did I hear you call me ? "
17 She swallowed the mountain that had lodged in her throat and asked with thin sarcasm , ‘ Why , has n't she told you ? ’
18 Albert 's dingy sink had been scoured to its original yellow colour , and the window above it gleamed and winked with unaccustomed cleanliness .
19 Their heads are inconspicuous and camouflaged with black and white stripes that conceal the eyes .
20 Since then the effigy has been displayed in his highly decorated sarcophagus , dressed in sumptuous clothes embroidered with gold and silver thread and studded with precious and semi-precious stones .
21 As he came nearer I could see that he was wearing a velveteen suit which was full of holes and splattered with wet clay .
22 Most achondrites are ‘ breccias ’ — rocks that have been crushed and recemented with angular fragments ( clasts ) lying in a finer-grained matrix , Before the Antarctic programme , two of the more common types of achondrites were classified as eucrites and howardites on the basis of the number of source rocks among their clasts and on the magnesium content of their pyroxine minerals ( Mg , Fe , Ca ) 2Si206 , — pyroxenes are the most abundant iron magnesium silicates in igneous rocks .
23 Purified GST-fusion proteins ( 6 mg ) were adjusted to 150 mM NaCl and 2.5 mM CaCl 2 in a volume of 500 ml and incubated with 680 ng thrombin ( sigma T3010 ) at 25°C for 90 minutes to yield full length CREB or ATF1 .
24 Serum samples were diluted 10-fold for pepsinogen A and fivefold for pepsinogen C and incubated with labelled pepsinogen and antibody in a final volume of 1 ml for four days at 4°C .
25 After three 5 min washes in PBS , sections were incubated with biotinylated goat anti-rabbit IgG antiserum for 45 min , washed in PBS , and incubated with avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex ( Vector Laboratories , Burlingame , California , USA ) for 45 min .
26 Nitrocellulose strips were blocked with blocking buffer ( PBS containing 0.1% sodium azide , 0.3% tween , and 2% powdered non-fat milk ) at 4°C overnight and incubated with monoclonal antibodies against the integrin Β 1 chain diluted 1:100 in blocking buffer for 60 minutes at room temperature .
27 In the course of their work , which they characteristically , in the terms of their sector , did not see as collective but as a series of specialist contributions , they intersected and overlapped with other groupings and other classes .
28 The centre rivet is ornamental , and tapered with flat sides .
29 United Kingdom law was already well developed and complied with most ( if not all ) of the Directive 's provisions .
30 He seems to have travelled in the Rhineland , and was in Paris in 1241 , when he commemorated the arrival of the relics of the crucifixion , and then in Angers , where he taught and disputed with local poets .
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