Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] use [art] " in BNC.

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1 The resulting image is then either transferred to an OHP foil by photocopying or photographed using a rostrum camera to make a 35mm slide .
2 They registered and avoided using a porter .
3 A data set to 2.5Å was collected on a Nicolet multiwire area detector mounted on a Rigaku rotating anode and evaluated using the Buddha program .
4 UltraFAX was the best of the bundled packages I looked at , by a long way , and made using the Ascom AM2496F a joy .
5 They were shut away like lunatics and made to use the back lift .
6 The data were off loaded to a computer ( Amstrad PC1640 , IBM-compatible ) and processed using the Esophagram software ( Gastrosoft Ltd , USA ) .
7 The data were collected and processed using the PECSS2 software package ( Perkin Elmer ) .
8 Accordingly , difference and Sim-weighted Fourier maps phased from the protein model were calculated at 20–4Å resolution , and inspected using the computer graphics program FRODO .
9 After scoring , the distal 8 cm of the colon were blotted dry and weighed using a Sartorius laboratory balance .
10 It will be collected using tape-recorders , transcribed and analysed using a sequential and comparative method .
11 Fasting gastric electrical control activity was recorded and analysed using a modification of the method described by Van der Schee et al .
12 All of the information was then coded and entered into a mainframe computer ( IBM 3083 ) , and analysed using the SPSSX statistical package .
13 Also of interest is computer use during consultations , where patient notes are made available and up-dated using a desk-top terminal .
14 Anaesthesia was induced with suxamethonium and propofol , and maintained using a combination of nitrous oxide , oxygen and isoflurane .
15 The Westminster government refused to negotiate with the strikers and proposed to use the army to maintain essential services .
16 Different formulae for this assimilation were proposed and compared using a computer model of the old and new regulations .
17 After being washed in distilled water , the slides were counterstained with 0.1% nuclear fast red in 5% aluminium sulphate for five minutes , dehydrated , and mounted using a synthetic mounting medium ( Vitro-Club , Langenbrink , Emmendingen , Germany ) .
18 The extracted supernatants were pooled , in a clean round bottom flask and dried using a rotary evaporator .
19 Eighteen diabetic patients ( ages 22–70 ) with upper gastrointestinal tract symptoms , mostly anorexia and vomiting , were referred by consultant physicians ( 16 patients ) and studied using the semisolid test meal .
20 After developing , sections were counterstained with haematoxylin and eosin and photographed using a Nikon Microphot FX microscope .
21 In New Zealand , Maori women sang and danced using a poi — as a ball attached to a piece of string , which they dexterously whirled round themselves .
22 He drove a little way further on and turned using the grass verge after the last cottage .
23 In Britain , mother tongue learners of English are discouraged from using repetition on the grounds that it is ‘ bad style ’ , and encouraged to use a device known as ‘ elegant repetition ’ , where synonymous or more general words or phrases are used .
24 In any event , it is wise to place a suitable receptacle within easy reach throughout the day , and after a meal the puppy should be taken into the garden and encouraged to use an area here .
25 Highly purified porcine or human short-acting insulin is added to a small volume of normal saline and infused using a pump set at a rate dependent on blood glucose monitoring .
26 She said that after he raped her , he forced part of his hand into her , causing pain , and threatened to use the truncheon .
27 Cultures can be purchased from livefood specialists and can be successfully cultivated , fed and harvested using the methods described for white worm .
28 : To assess the use in semantic analysis of definitions extracted from the CED and re-indexed using the 18,800-lexicon , to reduce the ambiguity of output from a text recognition system .
29 5 µm sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin and examined using a Leitz Laborlux K microscope .
30 A similar register of all villages and other groups of buildings should be compiled and examined using the same criteria , with the same objective .
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