Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [pers pn] has " in BNC.

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1 He is wearing his traditional outfit of pinstriped suit , pinstriped shirt , spotted tie and Gucci shoes ; or perhaps he has been home and changed , and is now sporting yellow cords , a maroon V-necked jersey , and highly polished brown brogues .
2 Or perhaps he has intentionally made the ‘ syntax error ’ in order to alert people to the danger of their nuclear inventions .
3 She had a family of four , and for the past ten years or so she has worked voluntarily at the Citizen 's Advice Bureau .
4 Over the past 15 years or so it has spread through Russia and then to Western Europe .
5 In the past half century or so it has been discovered that water is a very strange substance indeed , exhibiting many anomalous and unexpected characteristics , some of which have already been mentioned in Chapter 7 .
6 They have n't been as much part of my life as I would like , because for the last year or so it has been more or less taken up by the future of the channel .
7 Last year , a couple of their events were not fully covered by sponsorship income and it is doubtful whether Mark McCormack will want to add to the £2million or so he has already poured in .
8 If he 's on his own , and not waiting for his friends to come in and help him , sooner or later he has to come and get you .
9 Either the imaginary has been ignored altogether , in which case Irigaray is mistakenly described as a biological essentialist ( Sayers , 1982 , p. 131 ; 1986 , pp. 42–8 ) , or else it has been interpreted as purely and simply a Lacanian concept , in which case the conclusion is that Irigaray has misunderstood or misread Lacan , and has not taken on board the implications of his theory ( see Mitchell and Rose , 1982 , pp. 54 6 ; Rose , 1985 , pp. 136 , 140 ; Ragland-Sullivan , 1986 , pp. 273–80 ) .
10 I will return to Wordsworth — whether or no he has an extended vision or a circumscribed grandeur — whether he is an eagle in his nest , or on the wing .
11 She was a mutilated machine , and besides she has already forgotten him : I am meant to be comforted by that ?
12 And besides he has a large family of his own already . ’
13 A statement that the buildings in Old Aberdeen are beautiful is embedded within an assertion that the speaker was recently in Old Aberdeen , and stayed there for a period , and so she has a warrant for making the statement .
14 So you 're dealing with a fifty one year old lady , she 's never been in trouble , has no previous convictions , a lady , Sir , who divorced in nineteen seventy six , she brought three children up single-handedly and so she has done all she can , er often at great personal sacrifice , to ensure the best financial stability and the best emotional support for her children .
15 ‘ But the German system appears to have no place for the producer — it 's like a final , ridiculous culmination of the auteur theory , which insisted that movies are made by directors rather than producers — and so it has no room for that kind of creative argument . ’
16 IN THE recent report of the Church of England 's Doctrine Commission , We Believe in God , the doctrine of divine impassibility , that God can not suffer , is described as ‘ the most venerable theological position ’ and so it has generally been when Christians have endeavoured to think or speak about the nature of their God .
17 And so it has gone on , although by the end of the 1980s it was evident that the patience of even a government as dedicated to the eventual triumph of nuclear power as Mrs Thatcher 's was showing signs of severe strain .
18 And so it has now set its ‘ education and outreach ’ department ‘ to encourage young people from across Britain to use their music and song to tell their stories ’ .
19 Rising as it did , when the nobility and knightly classes in England were of Norman stock , it follows that the language of armory was French , and so it has remained ( in remarkably garbed form with English interpolations ) to the present day .
20 Digestion can therefore be expected to be greater in mammalian predators , and so it has been found here .
21 An early government land surveyor mis-spelled Mosgiel with a single ‘ s ’ and so it has remained .
22 The constraint is satisfied implicitly , since x 1 + x 2 + x 3 > 0 for any feasible solution of P6 and so it has been dropped .
23 Unlike some of its competitors , Bull says it has yet to work out whether or not Posix compatibility for proprietary systems is anything more than a marketing gimmick , and so it has not yet embarked on the expensive process of adapting the GCOS operating systems to comply with Posix .
24 Positioned well away from the planned recreational activities , it promised to attract an abundance of wildlife — and so it has turned out .
25 The kind of variation revealed by occasional spellings as primary evidence does not always fit comfortably into the standard historical linguistic mould , and so it has often seemed convenient to ignore it or explain it away , sometimes on the grounds that variability of the kind apparently attested is ‘ impossible ’ .
26 ‘ The DTI does not under-estimate the problems likely to be encountered in respect of some of these blocks and so it has not offered any acreage which it believes would be impossible or completely impractical to explore .
27 A linear molecule has only two rotations , and so it has 3N — 5 vibrational modes .
28 And so it has , for the broken pavement is blinding white with sunshine .
29 And so it has continued , so much dedicated tireless support … until its 40th Anniversary .
30 That is how it has been in the past , we have never been friends , and perhaps it has been altogether my fault .
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