Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [vb base] that " in BNC.

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1 CALL IT teamwork , call it intuition , or perhaps summon that perennial old-stage Lady Luck , but The Joyriders ' opening gambit in the face of a non-committal Saturday night gathering bears the hallmark of an almost supernaturally-gifted outfit .
2 In addition , it is open to the producer or director to show that he did not know or reasonably suspect that the offending programme would be included in a cable programme , or that in the context of the broadcast the programme would probably provoke racial hatred .
3 Otherwise one might make a statistical correction or even hope that its effect is small , i.e. discrimination might be good enough even when light is lost due to blocking .
4 Crime and Punishment did not merely reflect or even confirm that strange and removed elsewhere , the world journalists write about .
5 We do not have to define him , or even believe that he is a ‘ person ’ , in order to believe that he is real .
6 Although this is hardly the headhunter 's fault , the candidate will naturally feel annoyance or even anger that his or her expectations have been raised and then dashed , often without much explanation .
7 He did not need to raise his voice or even explain that this was his final word on the matter .
8 Occasionally he falls into a kind of torpor where he wo n't speak or even acknowledge that anyone is there . ’
9 This can be expensive and if a large mailing is going to regional newspapers , for example , it may be more sensible to reproduce one or two pictures on the release and invite editors to request prints , or simply state that photographs are available on demand .
10 Such is the general expectation that married couples will have children that those who do not want them , or want to put parenthood on a few more years , or sadly learn that they can not conceive , find themselves having to respond to veiled or not so veiled queries .
11 They complain about having to live in a village for three generations before winning social acceptance or ruefully conclude that ‘ the first fifty years are the worst ’ .
12 Er , I should know that , or certainly agree that all the staff in the Environment must have coped ade adequately well before under the preceding system where each officer , each department was was instructed to deal with the environment as it came along .
13 None of the other EC members have any sympathy for General Noriega or seriously doubt that the results of last year 's general election were in favour of the Panamanian opposition .
14 However , in some situations the melody is so pacific and widely spread that harmonic change can be relatively frequent , embroidering but not changing excessively the atmosphere .
15 Emile Durkheim ( 1960 : vol. 1 , ch. 2 ; see below , Chapter 3 ) argued that one function of the criminal law and punishment was to reinforce the conscience collective of society and thereby ensure that members of society continued to refrain from crime .
16 In favour of decentralization , they appeal to the doctrine of subsidiarity , and additionally argue that a supranational authority is likely to be unduly prone to capture by interest groups .
17 Still less does one know whether people tend to resist suggestions from a machine that go against their unaided habits , or whether they rapidly and thankfully accept that some things are better done by a computer .
18 The Authors jointly and severally warrant that the Company has the unfettered right to authorise the publication of the Work ; that the Authors ' own contributions to the Work are original and contain no libellous , defamatory , obscene or otherwise unlawful or misleading matter ; and that all statements therein purporting to be facts are true .
19 ( 2 ) Give a simple description of the document : eg conveyance instead of indenture for old deeds , etc. ( 3 ) Give the names of the parties in the first abstracted deed , but where these recur ( as , for example , where a buyer becomes a seller , or where personal representatives become sellers ) give initials only , so that after the first deed the seller , etc , of an abstracted document will commonly be shown by initials and so indicate that there is an unbroken chain of title .
20 It is important to be aware of the ideal conditions for using a UV system and so ensure that fish enjoy the best possible environment .
21 Left-inclined critics argue that pluralists ignore the more fundamental question of who actually benefits from public-policy outcomes and wrongly assume that participation is power .
22 This week , Faldo has been not exactly refusing interviews but making it abruptly and abundantly clear that he is willing to say nothing of import .
23 So although the absence of key workers in Newham meant that there were few boundary disputes , it also meant that the development officer could become very closely involved in organising other services , and perhaps feel that other services took advantage of the Home Support Project and showed less involvement than would have been necessary without the project .
24 On my way out , I encountered a dignified , round-faced tinker grandmother , a big lady in a shawl and long dress that swept the ground .
25 Actually , I chew on a piece of mozzarella and merely wish that I 'd thought of bringing a silver pistol , because , let's face it , Dudley Moore played Patch the Elf in the 40-million-dollar Santa Claus — The Movie which unlike say Ishtar or Hudson Hawk , is consistently unbearable for every single one of its sad seconds .
26 I will refrain from the obvious comment , and merely state that Air Force food was usually good , if a bit basic , and we came off better in that department than civilians .
27 However , I shall desist from following that course and merely state that the co-ordinated package of works in the Bill will make King 's Cross a first-class interchange between international trains and inter-city services from the east midlands , the north and Scotland , as well as to and from Thameslink and London Underground services .
28 Cohen and Young ( 1981 ) call this the ‘ manipulative model ’ and rightly insist that the problem of explanation is more complicated .
29 The people of Northern Ireland naturally and rightly reason that if what they have suffered at the hands of the southern-spawned IRA , they have suffered while a majority , how much greater would that persecution not be if they ever entered a state in which they were a perpetual minority .
30 Environmentalists in Nepal and elsewhere argue that the solution lies in a boycott by Western purchasers .
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