Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 No doubt " and emptiness " adds a further precision or perhaps elaboration to the of line A ; that is to say , to the idea of ignorable non-existence is added that of chaotic absence of form .
2 Of the 370 or so firms to which Barclays is lending under the scheme , about 50 are developing new technologies .
3 Integrated circuits are available in which everything except the switching control transistor , smoothing capacitors and the necessary inductances are built in , and a supply can be fabricated by a dozen or so connections to the chip .
4 The 3,000 or so subscribers to Mountain will help to bolster High 's circulation figures with the added hope that when the ex- Mountain subscriptions expire , some will renew them with High .
5 I practically fell through the door to the balcony , shut it after me , turned left , scrambled the twenty or so feet to the door in the south-west corner and plunged through , closing this too .
6 But the reality was that the RPF had needed 200 or so seats to be in a position to force through constitutional reform and the return of de Gaulle .
7 The money had been donated by Tokyo Sagawa Kyubin , but Haibara refused to name the 60 or so politicians to whom the money was later distributed to assist with their re-election campaigns .
8 In skirmishes on the rugged Norwegian mountains made dangerous by an early thaw , these companies screened the Allied operations a hundred or so miles to the north around Narvik .
9 But a corporation created by or in pursuance of an Act of Parliament is subject to the rule that it has only such powers as are expressly conferred , or are necessarily or reasonably incident to the fulfilment of the purposes for which it is established .
10 Thus a company directly created by special Act of Parliament will be restricted to acts necessary or reasonably incident to the objects specified in the Act .
11 Assessments of individuals along any of these scales is an element of the shared local knowledge which develops out of living in face to face ( or often back to back ) communities .
12 ‘ If you want information about your guest , you should come tonight or tomorrow night to the old house near the lime-kiln on the marshes .
13 Since anger is the only respected currency , it becomes extraordinarily difficult for genuine feelings of distress or even sorrow to be expressed by prisoners .
14 The list of accessibility of professional support does not mention any help , advice , or even referral to physicians specialising in relief of pain in cancer .
15 Several NATO representatives suggested that " NATO could lend material support or even troops to the CSCE if needed and if agreed by our member countries " , in the words of the Dutch Foreign Minister , Hans van den Broek .
16 Thus , to give one case example in ten thousand that spring to mind , no psychiatrist in his right mind would pay credence or even attention to the findings , as uncovered by Hans Eysenck some years ago , that patients undergoing psychoanalysis have an improvement rate of 44 per cent , those subject to the effects of other psychotherapy recover at the rate of 64 per cent , and those to whom nothing whatever is done , who receive no treatment at all , are cured at a rate of 72 per cent .
17 Trapped within such propositions there is no satisfying solution to be found , nor even avenues to be explored .
18 She was shivering , but it was not with the cold , nor even reaction to what apparently had been a near escape .
19 ‘ I returned , and saw under the sun , that the race is not to the swift , nor the battle to the strong , neither yet bread to the wise , nor yet riches to men of understanding , not yet favour to men of skill ; but time and chance happeneth to them all ’ ( Ecclesiastes ) .
20 Thence northwards to Mina 's land , so eastward to the stream and over it at the place called Ufa 's ford , thence to the place called Lagness , thence to Laxley , and so to the place called Balsham , thence to the bridge at Ellridge , and thus northwards besides the marshy places , over this to the stream called ( Aldingbourne Rife ) and thence east to Waermund 's enclosure , thence to Wador 's barrow from that place to the fishpond , and from there to ( Ryebank Rife ) , and so the line runs to the sea …
21 To make certain board members responsible to workers and presumably others to suppliers , others to customers and others to the general public would change the board into a kind of parliament with members representing their various constituencies .
22 An immediate sternal thump during a witnessed cardiac arrest may revert VT ( 11–25% ) and rarely VF to sinus rhythm .
23 She was intensely loyal and endlessly kind to those ( women ) she knew well and respected .
24 Many farms had more family workers than could be fully employed , and so migration to the cities could occur without loss of food output .
25 And so farewell to that pocket of warmth , thought Jay .
26 He has moved house to Sedgefield , close by the National Hunt racecourse and so Utopia to ‘ Ned , ’ and he remarked of the Durham atmosphere : ‘ It is just like starting my career all over again , everyone is so keen . ’
27 This meant that school-children taking ‘ O ’ and ‘ A ’ levels were not moved during this crucial time and so disruption to schooling did not present a major problem for parents .
28 Palmerston , with the longest speech of the debate , started by saying that Members would not be committed by the present vote to any style , as nothing would be decided until next session , and attacked Manners for approving ‘ the erection of so frightful a building ’ , involving expenses and perhaps disappointment to the architect without consulting the House .
29 A separate development has seen the establishment of a variety of arrangements offering advice and perhaps representation to defendants to possession actions in the county court .
30 Electronic communications , and especially computer to computer links , not only give the possibility of extra-efficient operations to TNCs within the network , but also give increasing competitive advantage over those outside .
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