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1 Galerie Jahnhorst & Preuss provides a platform for a calmer but no less original artist .
2 This may not be the obvious preferred option … but I think the quality is there , I also think that Strachan & McAllister can provide the balls accurately & fast enough for Deance/Wallace with Speed & Rocky providing a pretty good ‘ second line ’ .
3 The cans banged and rattled over a fuzzy soundtrack already overlaid with calls to Vassilis to move his head or Kostas to provide a cigarette .
4 Pistoletto and Heinrichsmeyer provide a foretaste
5 The case of Sacco and Vanzetti provided a notable example .
6 Garman and Klass provided a table of factors to adjust upwards the values of their estimator which requires knowing the number of transactions per time period .
7 And Lancasters provides a Cheap ‘ n ’ Cheerful standard range , said to be ideal for institutional catering , cafes and bar snacks .
8 Furthermore , both Lichtheim and Barth provide a critique of Marx 's concept of ideology that treats it as similar to that of Destutt .
9 Although in chronological terms the Black Scholes option pricing model came first in 1973 , the binomial analyses developed by Cox , Ross and Rubinstein and Rendleman and Bartter provide a conceptually easier introduction to the problem of valuation .
10 Duncan and Goodwin provide a conceptual framework for understanding the differential forms that these local political processes take , by claiming that particular local policies arise through the uneven development of a whole range of economic , social , cultural and political relations .
11 The refugees , who had been staying in camps in Croatia , were accompanied by Jean Kahn , president of the European Jewish Congress , which made the appeal for more action from European countries and Israel to provide a refuge for Bosnians .
12 The theory of games and the Prisoner 's Dilemma had not been invented in those days but , with hindsight , we can see pretty clearly what was going on , and Axelrod provides a fascinating analysis .
13 They are mellowly recorded and Lubin provides a very readable essay on the music — though it is admittedly not a detailed as Timothy Crawford 's for Hyperion .
14 Amongst the most important of these carefully plotted works are : de Falla 's The Three-Cornered Hat ( 1919 ) which originally accompanied a mime play and so fascinated Diaghilev that he commissioned the composer to enlarge it for Massine 's ballet ( see page 59 ) ; Vaughan William 's Job , commissioned by Diaghilev , was unused until de Valois created her important ‘ Masque for Dancing ’ ( 1931 ) ( this marked the inaugural performance of what has become The Royal Ballet ) ; Arthur Bliss ' Checkmate ( 1937 ) was choreographed by de Valois after both composer and choreographer had worked on the plot ; Prokofiev 's Romeo and Juliet was composed with the help of a Shakespearean theatre expert and has been used notably by Lavrovsky , Ashton and MacMillan ( see page 26 ) ; and Ashton provided a roughly outlined plot for Hans Werner Henze 's score for Ondine ( 1958 ) .
15 Feher , Heller and Markus provide a critique of the ‘ bureaucratic class ’ thesis from the perspective of the structural determinants of social strata .
16 The studies of Thieblot and Haggard , and Grant and Wallace provide a useful checklist of those features of a ‘ strike setting ’ which make it particularly conducive to disorder .
17 Although a whole fashion can not be reversed by a single book , Gurin and Bennett provide a scientific analysis of dieting and why most people should n't do it .
18 STRONG growth in drug sales in the UK , the US and France provided a welcome shot in the arm for Fisons , the group revealed today .
19 Recently Soler and Möller provided a putative example of coevolution in action .
20 You and John provided a most informative and enjoyable day .
21 These Acts created a comprehensive pattern of local authorities throughout England and Wales providing a wide range of services .
22 Pawley and Syder provide a number of examples , among them the following :
23 Bob Scott , the man behind the bid , admitted that the city 's main problem remained its lack of glamour , but Major provided a fierce defence of a ‘ vibrant ’ city .
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