Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] as she " in BNC.

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1 The Fourth Fairy is a songbird bringing the gift of Language and flutters to and fro as she sings .
2 A spinner with a great ( or walking ) wheel could perhaps work here , space being required for the spinner to walk to and fro as she worked , though the height of the canopy would be a determining factor .
3 She gently rocked the chair to and fro as she started to work on the head of a unicorn in white embroidery cotton .
4 She sat , simply and naturally as she had done before .
5 Moving as quietly and gently as she could to avoid scaring the budgie away , Penny climbed up on to the fence and then , by way of various branches , up the tree .
6 But though Catherine was clearly disappointed by its failure to produce a new code of laws as quickly and easily as she had hoped , and perhaps not very reluctant to end its activities , there is no doubt of the sincerity of her motives in calling it .
7 And just as she was feeling sure and secure , a smile becoming a real part of her as she gloried in the feeling growing between them , Lucy gave her to understand that she was going away for three weeks .
8 And just as she will not keep the caterpillar restricted to one plane of vision , so also she avoids obsessively restricting herself to the object .
9 And just as she had found peace in his words , so did he in hers now .
10 She gave him a rather languid finger wave and just as she disappeared under the wing float , he then realised she was only wearing a black sporran .
11 She had little time for the slow-witted and the unenthusiastic , and just as she exaggerated the talents of those she loved , she tended to magnify the defects of those she disliked .
12 She gets the cane out and just as she 's about to whip me , er Jane walks in .
13 And finally as she hauled herself on to the ice-slick rock where the sun pulsed fire into her eyes , she saw
14 Jenna came back to the present rapidly and painfully as she tripped over a fallen and partially sunken log .
15 When he took not the slightest notice of her demand Laura closed her eyes , forcing herself to breathe slowly and deeply as she desperately tried to pull herself together .
16 As quietly and uncomplainingly as she had lived she slipped away in her sleep at two o'clock in the morning of 21 October .
17 Her right hand tingled to smack his arrogant face , but she remembered her drama coach 's advice , consciously releasing her tension in a long , draining breath ; then she said as clearly and cuttingly as she could , ‘ Whatever has Peter done to deserve a rat like you for a brother ?
18 It had been sheer vanity that had made Fran call at the exclusive boutique on the way home from work , and now as she studied the dress she wondered if that vanity had bordered on madness !
19 And even as she prayed and wished , she knew , deep inside , that it was all useless .
20 When the old man had wandered upstairs again , with a book under his arm , Clara whispered " Who Was that ? " and even as she Whispered she realized that it could be no other than the book shops owner , and added hastily , " That must be A. I Warbley , I suppose ? "
21 She tried frantically to struggle , but his strength was far greater than hers , and even as she pushed against him she was overwhelmed by a far more desperate need to hold him , to feel his strong body pressed against hers once more .
22 Startled , she looked up into Dane 's sea-blue eyes , and even as she tried to strengthen herself against him she felt a rush of longing so intense that it made her weak at the knees .
23 She knew she was deliberately goading him to anger and even as she did it she was annoyed with herself .
24 She also noticed that at times Silas left his table to chat with his guests , and even as she wondered if he 'd come to her table he sat in the chair opposite her , his presence making her feel warm .
25 Silas sent her a look she was unable to define , and even as she tried to fathom its meaning their gaze locked for several long moments until he reached across the table to squeeze her hand .
26 Leith yelled , and as fury which she just could not contain spiralled out of control , her right hand arced through the air , and even as she hit him with all her strength , she was still yelling , ‘ Since it seems to be taking so long to sink in , you can bank on it — whoever pays my mortgage , you 're far , far at the back of the queue ! ’
27 Her heart seemed to be beating very slowly and loudly as she looked down it .
28 All I could see of her was the tip of her nose on Richard 's other side , bobbing backwards and forwards as she walked , like a bird eating grain .
29 In fact , in her continuing ‘ effort to be objective ’ , O'Keeffe based more and more of her imagery on observable forms in nature , and she represented them as exactly and precisely as she could .
30 She now placed her large square hands on the table and leant towards him , and her voice was low and hard as she said , ‘ Well , what 's the choice ?
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