Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] as [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Roman Catholicism preserves clear remnants of the medieval canonical teaching in its exclusion of women from the sanctuary as altar servers , or even as participants in the rite of footwashing .
2 1992 will mean changes affecting all of us as consumers , as employers or employees , or simply as citizens .
3 Hand-knotted rugs are known as pile rugs , or simply as rugs , and are generally regarded as the most important and aesthetically satisfying manifestations of the oriental rug-maker 's art .
4 Their ideas could be expropriated as freely and easily as blackberries from a hedge in summer .
5 And just as blackbirds perform a public service by letting off a loud ‘ chaka-chaka-chaka-chaka-chaka ’ whenever they spot a pussy on the prowl ( resulting in the mass flight of all their avian friends into the taller trees ) , so too do squirrel fish , and most probably some other fish , sound off a penetrating and quite identifiable infrasonic burst upon the approach of a predator .
6 And just as laws and institutions are not the only means of controlling governments , so too they are not the only means available to governments for achieving their policy goals .
7 And just as cars acquired more and more lamps , cookers acquired dials .
8 Great men , it 's been noted , die twice — once as great and once as men .
9 Use only power cables of the correct capacity for the duty , and run them as neatly and directly as circumstances permit .
10 The impact of the restrictive practices legislation has been such that many agreements were abandoned as firms were unwilling to incur the costs of defending an agreement within the Court , and also as firms gradually came to recognise the difficulties of overturning the presumption that an agreement operated against the public interest .
11 So all were seen by their subjects in their role as peace-keepers , and also as upholders and definers of customary law .
12 Personal and corporate names may be used as headings , and geographic names may be used as main headings and also as subdivisions .
13 The present owners of Pool Bank were previously the tenants , and during their tenancy they cared for the gallery and strengthened it , and now as owners will watch over it with loving care .
14 In all these areas , librarianship has developed a considerable body of constantly re-examined knowledge , a fact duly recognized by ( for example ) the Council for Educational Technology , which turned to it naturally and appropriately as issues developed within its purview .
15 As Jack and his friends grow older their pace necessarily slows a little but there is still an impetuous tone about their exploits as lieutenants , commanders and even as admirals , and their courtships as well as their warmongering are still basically ‘ fun ’ .
16 The rumours are growing thick and fast as weeds and de Craon must be their sower .
17 They appeared in law school classrooms and law review articles , then as lawyers ' arguments in particular cases at law , then as judicial arguments in dissenting opinions explaining why the majority opinion , reflecting the orthodoxy of the time , was unsatisfactory , then as the opinions of the majority in a growing number of cases , and then as propositions no longer mentioned because they went without saying .
18 If we wish to reflect on the nature of the body we must in succession examine the body first as being-for-itself and then as being-for-others .
19 In the novel itself we meet the Russian people , the folk , only once , and then as inflictors of suffering , in Raskolnikov 's half-dream ( which is also half-memory ) of a little mare being tortured and finally clubbed to death by drunken peasants .
20 In the course of that activity the communicators will be operating sometimes as listeners , sometimes as readers , sometimes as talkers and sometimes as writers .
21 As things stood then — and indeed as things still stand in 1984 — they would be perfectly entitled to do so .
22 The Patrician cradled his chins in a beringed hand , and regarded the wizard with eyes as small and hard as beads .
23 ( w ) To do all or any of the things aforesaid in any part of the world and either as principals , agents , contractors or otherwise , and by or through agents , brokers , sub-contractors or otherwise and either alone or in conjunction with others .
24 ( w ) To do all or any of the things aforesaid in any part of the world and either as principals , agents , contractors or otherwise , and by or through agents , brokers , sub-contractors or otherwise and either alone or in conjunction with others .
25 Gradually , competition between the entrepreneurs as buyers , and again as sellers , will succeed in communicating to market participants a correct estimate of the other market participants ' eagerness to buy and to sell .
26 They sat back warm as toast and tight as drums and Hepzibah said , ‘ I 've got to see to Mrs Gotobed now .
27 Clovis 's campaigns and ruses against other Frankish rulers should perhaps be seen as power struggles within a small kin-group , and therefore as precursors of the civil wars that were to follow , but we know nothing about the connections between the petty kings of the years prior to 511 .
28 Here partnerships would not act as a proxy or alternative to the local education authority but rather as facilitators , allowing schools and colleges to learn more about accountability , how it is portrayed and realised .
29 ‘ Individuals ’ should always be seen not as rounded historical figures but merely as bearers of roles ( trager ) , supporting the unfolding of structural laws without reshaping those laws .
30 The trainer also has the responsibility to convey to the trainees that they must not think of themselves as problem solvers , but only as facilitators .
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