Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] and [art] " in BNC.

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1 Most plans are like off-the-peg suits , they fit everyone more or less and no one perfectly .
2 Of the seats where Labour is second , there are 31 where it is behind by 5 per cent or less and a further 11 where the Liberal Democrat vote is more than twice the Tory majority and a differential split in Labour 's favour would produce a Labour gain .
3 Rates of pay for what is a stressful job were extremely low , starting at £1.20 an hour : three-quarters of the unqualified workforce received £2.00 an hour or less and the highest rates of pay were well below £3.00 an hour .
4 And then they used to keep you in the Winter more or less and the visitors making up So it was s a steady trade all round .
5 They would have a radius of only ten miles or so and a density of hundreds of millions of tons per cubic inch .
6 After five minutes or so and a few shaky moments in some bankside undergrowth , a huge koi graced my net which when put on the scales went a shade over 15lb .
7 It has been a traumatic time for everyone at Burston during the past year or so and a great deal has been achieved over a very short time .
8 I 'd er at been at Newark till then for about four years or so and the er slump had come about and they were sacked by the hundreds , including myself .
9 If it 's something you want the police there to deal with quite quickly and if , if they waited an hour or so and the police did n't come then could n't deal with it .
10 To my disbelief I felt a resistance for a second or so and the rod sprung back over my shoulder .
11 To maintain the same characteristic impedance as the prototype , the series impedance Z 1 of the m-derived section is chosen so as to satisfy or Thus and the series arm of the m-derived section must be formed from the series impedance Z 1 of the prototype multiplied by m in parallel with extra impedance as illustrated in figure 9.9(c) .
12 You 'll also need DOS 2 or above and the program is compatible with Microsoft and Logitech mice .
13 Variations include larger reservoirs of 1 litre or more and a heavier version with a longer range fitted with a separate pistol grip and a flexible feed tube that can be used to draw directly from a bulk container .
14 Both grow to about 10″ or more and a single specimen will require at least a 30″ — preferably a larger — tank .
15 If you are married , or committed to a serious relationship , have one child or more and a home to support , then the hours you work and the amount of travel involved in getting to and from work may limit your options .
16 Some of the larger models made appreciable noise in winds of Force 4 or more and the fans , of course , are almost lethal at these speeds .
17 Each cooking function can be used singularly or simultaneously and the controls are said to be simple to operate .
18 In addition , various situational factors influence pronunciation , such as the social relationship between speaker and hearer , whether one is speaking publicly or privately and the purposes for which one is using language .
19 There were moments during the Mass when the litanies and prayers , the censers swinging to and fro and the smell of incense made her feel lightheaded , and she was able to believe that she was not really present , not really being married at all , and that at any moment she might open her eyes and awake , to find herself back in Corcaguiney , with the wind ruffling the water across Dingle Harbour and the cloud shadows sailing over the mountain .
20 In 1987 , when she entered the House of Commons as the MP for Norfolk South West — a safe-as-houses rural Tory seat — she was already 46 , with none of the outward trappings of a high-flier , merely a proven ability to work swiftly and effectively and an unthreatening charm .
21 As far at I could judge it , the general feeling among the present day staff is that there have been some gains to both the prisoners and the system , and some losses , but the gains have been bought dearly and slowly and the losses may be irreversible .
22 I drove slowly and unambitiously and the Brooklands responding with smoothness and quiet to rival the best , all the time asking so little of the driver that it was positively soporific .
23 nicking them and capture there pay slips and you get it , you get a little brass plaque on it saying captured by so and so and the date , cos obviously they get fined for loosing it and all that sort of stuff
24 As the fund is used up , the income becomes less and less and the amounts withdrawn from the capital of the fund become greater and greater , because the total sum to be provided in such year — the £3,750 — is assumed … to remain constant throughout the relevant period .
25 He has plenty of good form over three miles and less and the way he progressed last season suggests he could develop into a Gold Cup horse .
26 Eighty per cent of the ITV schedule remains untouched so you can stop panicking about your old favourites such as Coronation Street , Home And Away and The Bill .
27 She stormed off and away and the last thing she saw was Felipe helping Mitch out of the pool , his dark face still lightened by a very wide grin .
28 The white hair flopped back and forth and the wispy figure crumpled .
29 The night was dark and still and the middle road had an eerie , forbidding atmosphere .
30 I must admit I like it more and more and the Commons less and less . ’
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