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1 He received no part of the purported consideration of £24,500 nor any benefit therefrom save that £1,800 or thereabouts had been expended in discharging his liability under the local authority mortgage .
2 Wicked episodes were often brought to my attention , but nothing either then or since has been as evil as the man Beck .
3 The number of blocks has been reduced by 25 per cent to 125 and the number of blocks with working interests of 10 per cent or less has been reduced by 42 per cent .
4 Ninety-two elements exist in nature and another dozen or so have been made by nuclear physicists .
5 But that 's cold comfort to the players who for the past two months or so have been attempting to qualify for the PGA European Tour .
6 The remaining three thousand million years or so have been taken up by the slow process of biological evolution , which has led from the simplest organisms to beings who are capable of measuring time back to the big bang .
7 It has been suggested that their slow decline in the last I00 million years or so has been caused by the commensurate rise in diversity of filter-feeding bivalve molluscs , which ousted them from their former habitats .
8 The really phenomenal success of these materials during the last thirty years or so has been due to the combination of cheap and rapid mass-production with adequate toughness — added of course to chemical inertness , lightweight and bright and cheerful , not to say garish , colours .
9 It takes a few moments to adjust — one moment one is dry , wearing dry swimming trunks and walking about , and the next one is progressively getting wetter ( including the swimming trunks , which somehow seems particularly inappropriate ) — and it 's only when half a length or so has been swum that the whole thing seems ordinary again .
10 Cubby has been associated with the Dundee Club for over 30 years , and for the past 15 years or so has been football representative on the Regional Committee of the Sports Association/Staff Club .
11 One of the dominant themes in the redistribution of population in the Western World over the past twenty years or so has been the dispersal of population from large cities to medium and small-sized settlements .
12 One of the most remarkable discoveries arising from oceanographic research over the past two decades or so has been the youth of oceanic sediments and the underlying basaltic crust .
13 Any legal restrictions that may have been imposed by the vendor or already have been included in earlier conveyances of the land or property can be identified .
14 Perhaps it will come as no surprise to my readers to hear not only that all knowledge of selling me a coffin was denied but even that they were now , or ever had been , coffin-manufacturers .
15 Bradshaw and Millar found that 24 per cent of lone mothers who were or ever had been on income support said they had been , or would be , unwilling to give such information to the DSS .
16 It asks soldiers whether they , their friends or family members are or ever have been members of the IRA , INLA , IRSP , Sinn Fein , the Communist Party or the Connolly Youth Movement .
17 No British university , in any case , is or ever has been socially exclusive , and the myth of an undergraduate Brideshead of champagne lunches set among gothic quadrangles is little more than an effect of Evelyn Waugh 's selective social recollection .
18 Despite these strategies , applied in both depressed and prosperous Britain , it can not be argued that there is or ever has been a clearly defined national population-distribution policy in the UK .
19 ’ I do not believe that the Government 's intention is , or ever has been , to privatise the health service .
20 Non of that product is or ever has been or is ever going to be sold .
21 He told delegates he believed the case for strong trade unions was as compelling now as it was when the TUC first met 125 years ago , ‘ or ever has been in the history of our country . ’
22 For several years the number of people out of work for 12 months or more had been steadily dropping , reaching a low in the North-East ( the North excluding Cumbria ) of 36,000 in October 1990 .
23 Probably the most overworked word in any description of the British prison system over the last decade or more has been ‘ crisis ’ .
24 The growth in the numbers who have been without work for a year or more has been perhaps the most disturbing aspect of today 's unemployment , despite the Department of Employment 's interviewing of all the long-term unemployed , and the Government 's recent recognition of the need to direct job appointments at those who have been standing in the queue longest .
25 Observations were intended to be made of stream channel changes , mass movement , vegetation changes , precipitation , reservoir sedimentation , and dendrochronology , and the intention to maintain measurements over a decade or more has been realized at some sites ( e.g. Leopold and Emmett , 1965 ) .
26 What was more , it was far from clear whether the Shadow Cabinet actually supported , or indeed had been consulted on , this proposal .
27 In all , only 24 incumbent legislators lost their seats , although an unprecedented number of incum±bents — many of whom were implicated in various congressional scandals — had chosen to retire or else had been defeated in the primary elections .
28 The chronicler Hall emphasised the consternation produced by the government 's success in establishing a basis for swingeing taxation , and although wealth can seldom or never have been overstated for fiscal purposes , the Rutland muster book could perhaps be the exception that bears out his claim that ‘ some avaunced them selfes more than they were worth of pride , not remembryng [ realising/ suspecting ] what was coming ’ , naively succumbing to the blandishments of the commissioners , who ‘ did what they could to set the people to the vttermoste ’ .
29 An understanding of ‘ god ’ which was derived from the timeless story of evolution and life experience , and not from the results of the mindless suppression of the products of developing intelligence , would be a treasure indeed , and the very important first step in the establishing of this ‘ god ’ is the full acceptance of the premise that no such ‘ god ’ is already in existence , nor ever has been .
30 There is probably nothing to be done about people , he thought , nothing at all , nor ever has been : processed , from the cradle to the grave .
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