Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For yourself or for all the others ?
2 To constitute an offence under those sections the waste must have been deposited on an unlicensed site or in breach of the conditions in the licence , must amount to an ‘ environmental hazard ’ and must have been deposited in such circumstances or for such a period that whoever deposited it there may reasonably be assumed to have abandoned it there or to have brought it there for the purpose of its being disposed as waste .
3 For better or for worse the studio system the moguls created , dubbed by its detractors as the slave trade , which had discovered and nursed the greatest names of Hollywood of three decades , and probably ever , was on the verge of collapse , though as Elizabeth Taylor put it so succinctly : ‘ The death rattle seemed never ending . ’
4 In his Introduction to the Paston Letters J. Gairdner pointed out that letters were often dated as being written on a particular day of the week , say Monday or Wednesday , before or after such a celebration .
5 Gillerthwaite - - ‘ was under the influence of a warm and sportive sunshine , which rendering lazy , while it illuminated the lowing herds of cattle , presented , to the mind 's eye , after their viewing such a scene the results of a Cuyp , a Bergham , or a Potter , or of many an English painter of animals . ’
6 Apart from the arguments for or against such a redistribution , it is clear from the breakdown of taxation given above that this is greatly over-simplified .
7 Now a significant part of that traffic will in the future or with such a road , er make use of that and would no longer have to use Road .
8 If at any stage in the discussions on Monday , or in all the other discussions that I have attended in the past two years , it had been a question of majority vote , there would have been much less agreement , and to the extent that decisions had been imposed by a majority , they would have been much less effective .
9 any of the Permissions have been granted subject to a lawful condition with which [ it would be impossible for or in all the circumstances it would be unreasonable to expect ] the Landlord to comply
10 ‘ ( 1 ) Where a coroner is informed that the body of a person ( ‘ the deceased ’ ) is lying within his district and there is reasonable cause to suspect that the deceased — ( a ) has died a violent or an unnatural death ; ( b ) has died a sudden death of which the cause is unknown ; or ( c ) has died in prison or in such a place or in such circumstances as to require an inquest under any other Act , then … the coroner shall as soon as practicable hold an inquest into the death of the deceased either with or , subject to subsection ( 3 ) below , without a jury .
11 ‘ Nothing in this section shall be construed as authorising the coroner to dispense with an inquest in any case where there is reasonable cause to suspect that the deceased — ( a ) has died a violent or an unnatural death ; or ( b ) has died in prison or in such a place or in such circumstances as to require an inquest under any other Act .
12 Or in 1982 the Navy would fight the Falklands , the very spot where in 1914 it won a spectacular victory and uncannily on both occasions the flagship was called Invincible .
13 How about a candle on a piece of toast or in half a grapefruit ?
14 In the full sense of the word , it is arguable that nobody was governed before the later nineteenth century ; it would certainly be foolish to maintain that either royal or princely government in the twelfth century operated according to fixed rules or without intermission or over all the inhabitants of a defined area .
15 With or without such a committee , both clergy and church musicians need to be valued and respected for their skills and responsibilities , as well as for themselves .
16 This means that there is no need for staff to work in city-centre offices or to congest the city with traffic and spend time travelling to and from work . ’
17 A defendant 's costs order may also be made in the following circumstances : ( 1 ) by a magistrates ' court where an information has been laid before magistrates but not proceeded with ; or where the magistrates ' court inquiring into an indictable offence as examining justices determines not to commit the accused for trial ; ( 2 ) by the Crown Court where the defendant is not tried for an offence for which he or she had been indicted or committed for trial ; or the defendant who has been convicted of an offence before a magistrates ' court appeals against conviction or sentence and , in consequence of that appeal , the conviction is set aside or a less severe punishment is awarded ; ( 3 ) by the Divisional Court where it deals with any criminal appeal ; ( 4 ) by the Court of Appeal where it allows an appeal against conviction or sentence or on such an appeal finds the defendant guilty of a different offence or imposes a different sentence ; ( 5 ) by the House of Lords where it determines a criminal appeal , or application for leave to appeal .
18 Indeed , each of the five times since 1915 that there has been a minority government in power it has been Labour , dependent either on the Liberals ' support , their abstentions , or on all the other parties not uniting to defeat them .
19 I had expected Gillis to be long since dead or at best a doddering ninety-year-old .
20 For it would encourage a reliance on schematic knowledge and a corresponding avoidance of an engagement with the systemic features of the foreign language , or at best a tactical use of them which would not lead to their internalization as a more general strategic resource .
21 With the current growth of interest in Briggs ' work , it is intriguing to note that Briggs only ever published one paper on Sanskrit which , at the time , was poorly received and thought to be a cul-de-sac or at best a side road .
22 Without it , we would have been left with the feeling that natural selection is only a destructive process , or at best a process of weeding-out .
23 But in the absence of direct evidence for the place of manufacture , or at best the source of the raw materials , there has been a degree of reticence about interpreting the distribution of such goods .
24 Yet it is of the greatest importance to make such distinctions within what is normally either an unanalysed category — free cultural association — or at best an indiscriminate range .
25 On present form , future generations are likely to look back on the 1992 election — with its emphasis on marginal tax rates — as at best rather quaint , or at worst a tragic irrelevance .
26 For patients with severe hypertension and an expectation of life of months or at most a year or two , the benefits of lowering the blood pressure were soon seen .
27 Up until that time , treatment meant a bottle of pills or at most a rub with embrocation .
28 The Laboulbeniales demonstrate a high degree of host specificity , and by this criterion are highly advanced ; most infect only a single species of arthropod , or at most a small group of closely related host species , and only a few are known to occur on a variety of distantly related hosts .
29 It might also suggest that if fat people have psychological problems , these may well be a result of the obesity , or at most a contributory factor .
30 He saw things in a flash and put them down in a sentence or at most a paragraph .
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