Example sentences of "[noun prp] went through the " in BNC.

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1 We only possess one piece of information with which to lend precision to the general statement that Richard went through the rebels ' lands with fire and sword , capturing and demolishing their fortresses , and this suggests that Geoffrey de Rancon 's castle of Taillebourg was once again at the centre of events .
2 When the group were all finally back in their minibus Rachel and David went through the now expected ritual of waving them goodbye .
3 Lucy went through the door to find herself facing a tall , dark-haired woman whose attire breathed sophisticated elegance .
4 The small convoy made its way to the fortified barracks , where the Range Rover went through the gates on its own , the armoured escort returning to duty in the scarred city .
5 The Delight was met with opposition at St John 's Harbour from the mixed fishing community , but on sight of the queen 's commission the squadron was admitted and Gilbert went through the ceremony of annexing Newfoundland to England and issuing passes to non-English vessels to fish there .
6 And so they returned to the kitchen again ; and after the meal was put on the table Aggie went through the other room and from the door yelled , ‘ Ben ! ’ just the once before returning to the kitchen .
7 Brian Cook and John Craven went through the PR OCU as a crew in late 1964–1965 before being posted to 39 Squadron .
8 As Beth went through the house , from the wide spacious hallway and into the dark-panelled sitting room , it struck her again how lovely the old place could be .
9 Herr Nordern went through the sitting-room to the front door .
10 PP : William went through the story and described each scene …
11 Doyle went through the pockets of the two pairs of slacks in the suitcase , but they were empty .
12 Bragg and Morton went through the imposing portal of the Civil Engineers ' Hall , and looked about them .
13 Bragg and Morton went through the unpretentious entrance of the New Club , in King Street , and sought out the Secretary .
14 As Ari and Nathan went through the shop , Roirbak remembered with mixed feelings that Zambia and Tammuz might still be in there , and then wondered if some evil part of him had been aware of that all along .
15 When Emburey went through the lower order with four wickets in thirteen balls , England were left winners by 89 runs .
16 FEATHERWEIGHT Paul Griffin went through the pain barrier to courageously secure at least a bronze medal in the European Championships in Turkey .
17 Wycliffe went through the shop and entered the house by the communicating door .
18 Yanto went through the events of the previous night , carefully leaving out his conquest of Molly .
19 Very deliberately Guy went through the list .
20 Lord Osborne said he was satisfied on the evidence that when Ms Sultana went through the formalities of the civil marriage ceremony she did not truly consent to be married to Mr Ahmed .
21 . They stopped when Annette went through the right ?
22 Sinatra went through the worst period of his career when Universal signed him to a contract , put him in a disaster — Meet Danny Wilson ( 1952 ) — and then dropped him .
23 Commander Genda went through the plans in detail over the next ten days and came to the conclusion that it was possible and , although hazardous , had a reasonable chance of success .
24 Phillis went through the room with the snapper .
25 Fuelled by a diet of soul , R&B and Prince-style pop , Tony went through the ( now ) classic ravey bedroom phase , fiddling with sequencers and drum programmes .
26 At the start of one of his denunciations , Junius went through the motions of excepting the monarch from his attack : ‘ The doctrine inculcated by our laws , That the King can do no wrong , is admitted without reluctance ’ ( 1779 : 100 , emphasis in original ) .
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