Example sentences of "[noun prp] only [vb -s] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Aristotle only produces spurious suggestions about a woman 's incapacity to think or to stick to principles when he is obliged to say something about why their judgements lack authority .
2 Marie only drinks orange squash .
3 But the Levermore Quick-Grip only needs one hand to operate , leaving the other free to adjust .
4 Cos Neil only wears black .
5 * A confidential World Bank report states that Indonesia only retains 30 per cent of the profits from logging , as opposed to 85 per cent from its oil industry .
6 Fifteen per cent of these earth scientists worked in Scotland , whereas Scotland only has nine per cent of the UK population .
7 So like one week , I 'll take three days out of that week , and Jane only has two .
8 Interesting to note that the flamboyant Janice only includes one song from ‘ Meat Is Murder ’ .
9 Since I have n't , I must intend to convey that Nigel only has fourteen .
10 The SFO only becomes involved in cases where more than £1 million is involved , and most cases tend to come from the DTI .
11 ( The data item FRED only occupies 4 bytes whereas ERMINTRUDE occupies 10 bytes . )
12 For example , because LOEX only acquires one or two copies of each item of user education material from depositors , and because it is a nationwide service , it has opted for a loan system , with no material for retention .
13 ‘ Well , not exactly , no ; Lachlan Watt only has one eye ; the other one looks like a real one but it 's glass .
14 While the Kamco only has four free slots ( one 8-bit and three 16-bit ) it does have the real McCoy local bus , VL-bus .
15 Please note that Italy only accepts small packets up to 1kg , Australia , Cuba , Myanmar and Papua New Guinea up to 500 g .
16 After all , Twickenham only holds 65,000 people , so what about the other fans throughout the country ?
17 Thérèse whispered : Rose Taillé only has one eye but he 's got two .
18 The reported number of people known to have HIV only includes those who have taken a blood test , and is therefore only likely to be a small proportion of the total number infected .
19 And for much the same reason as for Mars the thermosphere of Venus only reaches modest temperatures ( section 3.4.1 ) .
20 Now Paul only mentions this incidentally , but it certainly corroborates the testimony of Acts to the working of the Spirit in the early Church .
21 What brings such ( men ( Aurigny only has one lady pilot — on the Shorts 360 ; all Trislander aircrew are male ) to a job like this ?
22 I mean , Essex only has 3,000 students on a good day , and modern university campuses may be foreign turf to you , but they 're happy hunting grounds to people like me .
23 They 're nice chocolates it 's just that they 're all soft centres and Tony only likes nutty and hard ones .
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