Example sentences of "[noun prp] had been take " in BNC.

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1 Now that the Colonello had been taken away , the only Italian from the camp who remained was one of the two interpreters , Capitano Camino , who had an excellent command of English because he had been a businessman in England before the war .
2 The Magistrate , for example , when told that Mrs Wright had been taken ill , showed no interest whatsoever , and when further informed , a little later , that she had given birth , observed dryly : " I 'm surprised that she had the energy . "
3 Ann had been taking an antidepressant for 6 months without much benefit .
4 Reuben Boll had been taking the last part of his annual leave .
5 Pease had been taking part in a march through the capital , Lima , when the officer shot him at close range with bird shot .
6 Talks between the government and the ANC had been taking place against a background of mounting violence , particularly in Natal and the townships of the Transvaal , between supporters of the ANC and of Inkatha [ for eventual Mandela-Buthelezi meeting in January 1991 see p. 37951 ] .
7 Faye had been taken to Labour and Delivery , where she waited in a private room for Dr Greene 's arrival .
8 It was just a few days after eight children from the W family from South Ronaldsay had been taken into care .
9 The decision to impose a state of emergency in late November had been taken without Khan 's knowledge , while he was in Saudi Arabia inspecting the Bangladesh military contingent in the Gulf .
10 I knelt at once to pray and prayed most dutifully till morning when I expected a letter telling me Oreste had been taken .
11 Or rather the house in Mouncy Street had been taken over by a succession of dead bodies .
12 Robert had been taken prisoner in his turn and , for the time being , hostilities had ceased while both sides licked their wounds and took stock of the situation .
13 She had been still recovering her wits when Elaine had been taken from the booth by two more of the misshapen , black-robed , gurgling Counsellors .
14 Colt had been taken to the hotel where the target was staying …
15 Mitcham Road depôt in Aurelia Road , West Croydon , remained closed and empty , the connecting curve , which joined the main road towards Mitcham had been taken out on 8 December 1935 .
16 Mr Butler had been taking a collection-box home when he was attacked on the Tube , kicked in the face , kneed in the stomach , had his head banged against a door and almost strangled .
17 After Mr Kennedy had been taken back to their villa by his wife , Shelley entered the details of the case into a file , and wondered if she need take any further action .
18 I thought Lee had been taken for a ride , and said so .
19 ( This helps to explain why so many English liberals ceased to support France when they heard that Paris had been taken over by the ‘ mob ’ in 1793 . )
20 He gave an ironic smile , content that Montgomery had been taken in .
21 Before her marriage Anna had been taken up as one of the handful of pet Americans and now , although they did not know exactly what had happened , everybody in London sided with her .
22 What was left of Jonathan Riddle had been taken away by attendants to be stored in a refrigerated drawer until the coroner issued his certificate for disposal .
23 The decision to produce fissile material in the United Kingdom had been taken before the breakdown and was regarded as non-negotiable in any circumstances … .
24 Eddie Chattaway had been taking part in the tournament for over twenty years before he loosed his winning arrow in 1977 .
25 Peter Watt had been taken to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary by ambulance on Thursday at the request of his doctor .
26 I learnt from Otto before I left that Ahmed had been taken into custody prior to being deported .
27 On 11 April 1986 Minnie Keenan was listening to the radio in her east Belfast home when she heard the news that her son Brian had been taken hostage in Beirut .
28 ‘ I could not understand why , if Allingham had been taken by a seizure , he had not tried to open the door , turn the key and call for help .
29 I went for news again and this time was told that both my father and Dr Sambataro had been taken to the San Francesco Prison , a civilian prison in Parma .
30 She must have misunderstood Tracey last night when he rang to say that Sykes had been taken away .
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