Example sentences of "[noun prp] at the time " in BNC.

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1 ( Once , taking the night train from London to Paris , I found myself in the locked sleeping compartment of a locked coach in a locked hold beneath the waterline on a cross-channel ferry ; I did n't think of Jonah at the time , but perhaps my panic was related to his .
2 In order to answer this last question it is necessary to look briefly at the type of anthropological work available to Marx and Engels at the time they were writing .
3 There is a cross in the churchyard which is said to have been brought from Kilham at the time of the plague which decimated that village .
4 King was a minor poet and staunch Royalist ; this led to his flight from Chichester at the time of the Cromwellian bombardment of the city .
5 Stars : Everyone in Austin Texas at the time .
6 Salmon , who was close to Picasso at the time and whose interest in tribal art probably antedates Picasso 's , confirms this .
7 Trevor was working in the States at the time of this interview .
8 Liebowitz and Horowitz ( 1968 ) suggested that what was happening in the United States at the time , was a process of merging of politics and social deviance such that they were becoming indistinguishable .
9 The tutor-organiser was also best-placed to counsel WEA students considering full-time higher education on adult state scholarships ( of which there were two in Northamptonshire at the time ) ; he was also in a position to attend daytime meetings of local bodies , on behalf of the WEA .
10 Many of those who stayed behind , especially the adherents of the Bogomil faith , accepted Islam , and their descendants form the nucleus of the Islamic community which embraced 37 per cent of the population of the republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina at the time of the 1981 census .
11 Tony Visconti explains why , although he was making an album with David at the time , he refused to produce the ‘ Space Oddity ’ single as he thought it was passè because the moon shot was about to take place , and the lyrics ‘ sounded like a nick from Simon and Garfunkel ’ .
12 Usually , David at the time would surround himself with friends who did things for him , thinking he would get things done out of loyalty .
13 During the trial at the Old Bailey in London 15 witnesses testified that Mr Thorburn , a general manager of an electronics company , had been practising for the Tam o' Shanter golf tournament near his mother 's home in Ayr at the time he was alleged to have raped her .
14 We were living in Surrey at the time and I was sharing a double bed with my brother , who 's five years older than me .
15 It is possible that Leapor was employed at Weston at the time of Arthur Barnardiston 's death .
16 I believe erm the rulers of Kuwait at the time were very erm wise to make such treaty with the British for the protection of their country and the British respected the Kuwait autonomy at the time and this joint erm respect for each other I believe which gave rise to Kuwait to be what it is today .
17 The Smallholders ' Party was the largest political party in Hungary at the time of its dissolution in 1948 .
18 At one time it was feared that the highly-rated midfielder , who attracted an unsuccessful £1.3m bid from Crystal Palace at the time of the Marco Gabbiadini transfer in September , would need an operation , but he has managed to recover thanks to special exercises under the close supervision of club physiotherapist Steve Smelt .
19 It came to me as a gift , a little black-faced lamb sent to me by the Batesons who were farming Briscoe at the time .
20 His parents had settled in East Dulwich at the time of his registration for Battersea Polytechnic , Michael Joyce having by then cut his losses in building or ‘ architecture ’ and opened his grocer 's shop in this prosperous middle-class suburb .
21 The book 's chief interest lies in the fact that Caroline Capel was a sister of the 1st Marquess of Anglesey and that she and her family , for financial reasons , were living in Brussels at the time of Waterloo .
22 He worked for the KGB at the time and he knew everything because he was involved in the secret inquiry that was set up into the ‘ incident ’ , as he called it .
23 After marking by the tutor , the question and answer papers are returned to a moderator appointed by the Secretary of the NEC at the time of application who , in turn , returns them to the tutor .
24 ‘ I was teaching at MexTech at the time .
25 Derek , who was Catering Manager on board the flotel the MSV Tharos at the time , was directly involved on the night of the disaster .
26 We can now not only see how justified this comment was but , in details inaccessible to Freud at the time he was writing , can determine with some exactness both the causes and the consequences of this fateful development in human evolution .
27 Other groups may have bettered these results ; they are gleaned from Special Action Feedbacks which had been received by AIBS at the time we went to press .
28 We were on a beach just up from Frinton at the time , and when Oliver heard Gill 's remark he went into one of his spiels .
29 He was working at ICI Billingham at the time and it had become habit , from his days as a London businessman , to wear a flower .
30 One Windscale worker who lived in Seascale at the time said he recorded radioactive contamination on his son 's shoes which was almost six times the level used to signify a hazard inside his laboratory .
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