Example sentences of "[noun prp] set off [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Camus sets off into the night .
2 Having established himself at Ince , Killigrew set off for the busy mercantile town of Plymouth , where he soon fell in with a merchant , Tremayne , who had a daughter , Mary .
3 As the Renault set off down the drive , Vitor placed an arm around Ashley 's shoulders .
4 OOam on a crisp Spring morning , 2O staff from Wallington set off on a 46 mile sponsored bike ride from Wallington to Brighton .
5 Ten days later , at eight-thirty in the morning of Wednesday , 22nd January , Robyn Penrose set off in a snowstorm and an ill humour to begin her stint as the University of Rummidge Faculty of Arts Industry Year Shadow , or URFAIYS as she was designated in memoranda emanating from the Vice-Chancellor 's Office .
6 West Indies soon lost Haynes , but Richards , on his home ground , and Greenidge set off at an explosive pace with 45 off the first seven overs .
7 Aware that it would be difficult and dangerous for the Hurricanes to attempt to land back aboard , Sabey set off towards Malta , hoping to meet one of the aircraft despatched from the island to lead in any lost aircraft , before their fuel ran out .
8 With British pop music once again in the ascendant , Richard Branson set off to America to sell Virgin artists , with an optimism that almost banished the memory of his company 's disastrous American adventure of two years before .
9 Told not to give Betty any sudden shocks , Frank sets off for another job interview , as an entertainer at a holiday camp .
10 When she had eaten , Ruth set off for Dudley House .
11 But it was precisely Gould 's unshakeable commonsense , which Havell had so reviled , that was beginning to antagonise the rival American camp , and it was with exasperation that they watched Gould set off for Europe on a reconnoitring trip for his second publication .
12 On 17 June Gould set off with Sturt across the Mount Lofty range towards the Murray River .
13 An opportunity for escape occurred shortly afterwards when she and Wordsworth set off on a walking tour into the Wye Valley .
14 Early that afternoon , as soon as she could get away from a lunch with colleagues from her department , Loretta set off for the Sunday Herald building .
15 With this thought in mind , Loretta set off for Paddington .
16 Loaded with 1.7 tons of highly toxic plutonium , the Japanese freighter Akatsuki Maru set off from Cherbourg , France , on 7 November to return to Japan .
17 In July 1816 Sewell set off for Vienna , Berlin and Hanover .
18 Joy and Alan set off on one of their marathon walks , this time a coast-to-coast sponsored effort to raise money for our local church , one of the oldest in North Wales .
19 The sky was cloudy when Giles set off after an early breakfast .
20 No idea what time Vern set off for the bus , but it must be time for the next one by now .
21 Hawkbit was the last to return and as he came up Hazel set off at once .
22 Clutching at the safety of recollection , the Glovers set off for more familiar regions .
23 Her conscience at peace , Julia set off for dinner in a mood to enjoy herself .
24 Julia set off towards the Dorsoduro , beginning to feel really ill with a headache pounding behind her left eyebrow , smarting eyes , a rasped throat and a nose that felt as though it were stuffed with hot , wet flannel with a few pins in it , but even so she decided to give her lesson .
25 Marshall set off in a new direction .
26 Prentice put his arms round Rory 's neck and got up onto his back ; Rory set off at a run .
27 It was time for News on Sunday to set off on the trail of the people and organizations who had theorized about the prospects for a popular left-wing newspaper for so long .
28 After watching the train steam away with Christian waving from an open carriage window until he was out of sight , Carrie and Seb set off on the return journey in the gig .
29 In reprisal the Armstrongs set off in force and burned Netherby in Cumberland .
30 Pretty certain this must be the man , Paige set off down the street , stopping every now and then to look in shop windows and cast surreptitious glances backwards .
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