Example sentences of "[noun prp] hold [num] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A coalition of the Gaullist RPR and centrist UDF holds 18 of the 45 seats in the Regional Council .
2 Rose held two of them on the palm of her hand .
3 Among the minority shareholders is the PGA European Tour , who last September held one of its qualifying schools at Quietwaters for potential tournament players .
4 José Antonio Ardanza ( PNV ) was once again Premier ( lendakari ) ; the PNV held eight of the 13 portfolios , EA three ( Education , Economy and Planning , and the new Justice ministry ) , and EE two ( Town Planning , Housing and Environment , and Labour and Social Security ) .
5 Trent held eight of the fresh thousand-dollar bills folded in the back pocket of his jeans ; the original three for the charter augmented by a further five in payment for his agreeing to the rendezvous .
6 Messrs. Rawlins and Theodor held 200 of the 400 shares with their wives , and of the remaining 200 shares , 80 were allotted to Anker Simmons , and 40 each to Messrs. Franklin Simmons , Harry Dee and J. F. Cooper .
7 Swapo holds 41 of the Assembly 's 72 seats , but observers expected its main opponent , the Democratic Turnhalle Alliance ( DTA ) which has 21 seats , to block a Swapo-drafted constitution .
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