Example sentences of "[noun prp] seem like a " in BNC.

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1 Carwyn seemed like a castaway on a desert island .
2 Up until now there had n't been a peep out of the former Jam bassist which I 'd attributed to one of three things — shyness , boredom or a reluctance to interrupt his new boss who , it has to be said , makes Ian Paisley seem like a Trappist Monk when he gets into his stride .
3 Sometimes life in Detroit seems like a grotesque farce .
4 Conceived by the director of ARIEL and LENINGRAD COWBOYS with the ambition of ‘ making Robert Bresson seem like a director of action pictures ’ , THE MATCH FACTORY GIRL unfolds in a style that is characteristically laconic and terse .
5 All at once the pose for Faye seemed like a prison as she felt the heat and colour creep up her neck and face , and she jumped self-consciously as Faye said , ‘ Damn !
6 Owen was an older contemporary of Forbes and Darwin , but lived far longer than either of them ( 1804–92 ) ; it is often a good idea to outlive one 's opponents , but Owen 's bête noire was Huxley ( who outlived him ) , and by 1892 the world had become Darwinian and Owen seemed like a living fossil .
7 In this relaxed , sun-dappled atmosphere of banyan trees , velvet sand and wide horizons , the Maldives seem like a lost corner of the globe , waiting to be stumbled across by some shipwrecked mariner .
8 That February , Delhi seemed like a paradise .
9 ‘ The plain of Cleveland seems like a coloured map rolled out .
10 For a few weeks Oxford seemed like a normal city instead of a theme park .
11 Charlie 's a man of the world , and she makes Pollyanna seem like a painted hussy . ’
12 If there was , as Morrissey had previously hinted , a certain amount of jealousy within the band then this must have intensified ten-fold as Morrissey captured a limelight which made Boy George seem like a recluse .
13 Her contribution to the Conservative cause , which handed Major his victory , was to make John Major seem like a social democrat .
14 London seemed like a house with five thousand rooms , all different ; the kick was to work out how they connected , and eventually to walk through all of them .
15 So America seemed like a good place to come . ’
16 Tess seemed like a queen to Clare , perhaps because he knew that she was the most beautiful woman walking about at this time of day .
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