Example sentences of "[noun prp] so as [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 On Aug. 17 IRNA reported Rafsanjani as having told the Turkish President Turgut Özal during a telephone conversation that " peace with Iraq is a different issue , and we hold to our view that Iraq must evacuate its forces from Kuwait so as to create the necessary conditions for the re-establishment of peace and tranquillity " .
2 He was then to return home at once via Montreal , using his Thomas Leavy identity on re-entering the United States so as to avoid any tell-tale entry stamp in his passport .
3 He thought doggedly of Carol so as to blot out the image of Helen 's sad face that seemed to have become imprinted on his mind .
4 The close geographical proximity between the Japanese home islands and Korea resulted in Japanese determination to assert herself in Korea so as to ensure the more effective defence of Japan herself ; in addition , it was hoped to exploit Korea economically .
5 The landlord , however , did not choose to press his rights in that way , but chose to enter into a bargain with Mr. Mahmoud so as to get possession speedily without the delay that further proceedings would entail .
6 And Pound was not above using his connection with Hewlett so as to get entry to those circles .
7 The schools , Mr Li said , must alert children to ‘ the crime committed by imperialists in their aggression against China so as to heighten vigilance against the imperialist strategy of peaceful evolution ’ .
8 In trying to expand legitimate commerce with Africa so as to provide an attractive alternative for both Africans and European traders to slaving , the African Institution proposed spreading information about African products and making communication easier by establishing written versions of African languages .
9 For the full effect of neighbours , go on Saturday or Sunday so as to find the whole array of cars , vans , lorries ‘ motorbikes and children , although if it is a fine weekend some of the boats and caravans may be missing .
10 ‘ I studied marketing in Singapore so as to branch out from accounting to marketing .
11 In addition Drury persuaded one witness to amend his evidence so as to incriminate Cooper , arranged for another to be shown a photograph of McMahon so as to pick him out in an identification parade , omitted to tell the defence of two witnesses crucial to their case , cited another as prosecution witness to prevent the defence from calling him , and bribed two prisoners in Leicester Prison , where McMahon was on remand , to say that McMahon had admitted to them his part in the crime .
12 Emperor Hirohito must be supported and the forces of moderate conservatism strengthened within Japan so as to resist a future challenge either from the left or from a regalvanised extreme right wing .
13 Murdoch had long planned to move part of his operation to Wapping so as to increase his printing capacity .
14 Had Mrs Plumptry used her wiles on Stanley so as to come between him and his duty ?
15 Both the transferor and Target can then be sold to Newco so as to avoid a charge by virtue of s178(2) or 179(2) , which provide that where two or more " associated companies " cease to be members of the group at the same time there is no deemed disposal and re-acquisition of the assets transferred between them .
16 The MDD accused President Idriss Déby of obtaining arms and ammunition from Libya so as to pursue a military solution and to delay holding the promised sovereign National Conference , set for Jan. 15 , 1993 .
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