Example sentences of "[noun prp] get out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With a groan Wattling got out of bed , and then danced cheekily into the bathroom .
2 David got out with all the film , so I have all the pictures of the whole thing . ’
3 Edward got out of the car and a voice said : ‘ The King is here ! ’
4 ( Abberley gets out of bed himself .
5 ( Abberley gets out of bed , trailing wires , and looks at Peg 's cardiograph .
6 Neil get out of his aircraft obviously to go to the telephone .
7 When Mrs Lennox had gone Maggie got out of bed and dressed in the clothes Susan had left out for her .
8 Loretta got out of her car , walked up to the door , lifted the knocker and rapped timidly .
9 It was not because the rating system was bad , but because of the way in which the rating system was being carried out , attacking certain areas of domestic property , and , because the English had not carried out a revaluation since 1973 , Scotland got out of line .
10 Tessa got out of the train at Paddington already painfully sensitive to the erotic implications of the city .
11 The thought of the husband had Maggie getting out of bed and locking her door securely .
12 Nigel gets out of Casualty
13 There is something impressively strong about all this , even if some would say that , like Diogenes telling Alexander to get out of his light , it looks a little like the strength of those who are content to be emotionally starved .
14 Prentice got out of his Escort and locked it , then pointed to the gates of the school yard .
15 Killion got out of bed and went over and rested his brow on the cold glass .
16 Sirrell Griffiths got out of bed at 3.45 a.m. on his dairy farm just outside the village of Nantgaredig , near Carmarthen in South Wales .
17 Carrie got out of her bed and felt her way into his .
18 Julia got out of bed , took the tray back from Annunziata , put it down on the chest of drawers and hugged her .
19 Rab got out of bed .
20 Cameron got out of bed and dressed , feeling unreal .
21 Every week , Alastair gets out of his bed at 4am to head for swimming training at the Robinson Centre with his Leander clubmates .
22 Then suddenly she heard a car sweep into the yard , and , getting up from her desk , she felt her heart leap uncomfortably once more as she saw Robert getting out of his Land Rover .
23 The same storm which had swept Hawke 's blockading cruisers away from Ushant and enabled Conflans to get out of Brest had made it possible for the privateer captain , François Thurot [ or Thourot ] to take his little five-ship fleet , carrying some 1270 soldiers and 700 seamen , out of Dunkirk .
24 Christina heard Stephen get out of bed and creep into the bathroom , trying not to make a sound .
25 If it is Narouz , and the Khedive is bothered , we can tell Narouz to get out of the country quick .
26 ‘ Doctor , ’ Bernice almost wailed , ‘ ca n't we at least use the TARDIS to get out of this maze ?
27 Jed got out of the car and opened the gate .
28 Geoffrey got out of the car and stood in front of Michael , willing him to calm down .
29 Weir got out of commodity , or off-the-shelf , engineering goods , which it had been making almost since it was founded by the family in 1871 , seeing them as too sensitive to changes to domestic demand and expensive to produce compared with international competitors .
30 Jessamy got out of the car , then trudged after him as he strode easily along the track .
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