Example sentences of "[noun prp] have [be] on " in BNC.

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1 Strach has been on his last legs for the past 2 seasons and while he still produces high quality performances more often than not he is looking more tired with each game he plays , not suprising for someone of his age .
2 One of the Moths now at Mandevelle has been on static display in a motor museum for years , and is now almost ready to leap into the air again ; an excellent idea .
3 Felix has been on the scheme for nine months , Gerald for two years .
4 Living rough : Stewart has been on the streets in Edinburgh for three years , sleeping wherever he can find shelter and surviving on a mixture of benefits and begging .
5 Every Street in the Gallowgate and the Calton had become a parking place for horses , hansom cabs , buses that could well have been the ‘ taxis of Waterloo' if Napoleon had been on our side , broughams with the seats held together by faith and carpet tacks , open coaches decorated with scraps of cloth and coloured paper , growling , fuming motor-cars … the invasion of the East End of Glasgow was total .
6 So David had been on duty this morning , had he ?
7 For Denny has been on the local comedy circuit for nearly a decade and was a runner-up in the Scouseology Awards two years ago .
8 Erika Barnes has been on the towpath in London to meet them
9 ‘ Not only will everyone be rushing back to the city today , after the weekend vacation , but I understand Ross has been on the phone , getting the air-conditioning fixed and also seeing about someone to help you with the kids .
10 Philadelphia has been on the brink of going bust for months .
11 Ironing out visual problems on the set is just one of the tasks that the 33-year-old Kilsyth-born Hamilton has had to deal with in the five weeks that GMTV has been on air .
12 Detective Chief Inspector John Leicester Finch and Detective Constable Robert Turner had been on trial for eighteen days at Luton Crown Court .
13 He said Sigsworth had been on a drinking binge for several days before going to the police station .
14 Kim had been on the Wiring Project for almost year now , though for most of that time he had been kept out of things by Spatz .
15 The Paris conference where she had met Fergus had been on Gender and the Autonomous Text .
16 This confirmed a dramatic reversal in the political fortunes of the Azerbaijan Popular Front , which in January had been on the verge of taking power with mass support until Soviet troops had staged a bloody crackdown .
17 Jobless Wells had been on trial since Monday charged with murdering 64-year-old Vincent McGuire , his neighbour at a council-run hostel in central London 's Covent Garden last December .
18 But Karen had been on these holidays before .
19 While unemployment figures in Northern Ireland have been on the increase , they have not accelerated at anything like the rate in the usually prosperous south-east of England .
20 Britain 's financial withdrawals from the IMF had been on an unprecedented scale .
21 Mr Stevenson had been on holiday in Wales , and he had been exploring our beautiful mountains and valleys .
22 She could wake up and find that it was still the night of their parents ' wedding , that only that afternoon she and Stephen had been on the train .
23 Dr Carol Starkie has been on sick leave from Selly Oak hospital since May 25 , South Birmingham Health Authority said .
24 ‘ Hartmut Kopsch has been on the phone , ’ said my wife Annie , ‘ about a job in Cranham .
25 The Divas manager Alan Cutler says Dee and Rose had been on the verge of a wonderful career .
26 He said Allitt had been on duty on 24 occasions when children suffered collapses on the ward .
27 One of which was the property in Frinton which was owned jointly by Mr and his step mother who was an elderly lady who was then residing in that er property and er around that time on the first of October Mr er telephoned Mr and er told him about that but at that time , was not anticipating that there would be an difficulties about the security on Frinton for these he had always , added his case , made it perfectly clear to the man at the National Westminster Bank with whom he was dealing , Mr that that property was not a property which er could er be offered as security because of the joint ownership and er while in conversation with the bank he understood that this letter had been sent and Mrs had been on holiday and that it was simply oversight on the part of the bank at this stage and that all would well after Mrs returned , which was expected in two weeks time .
28 The junior leader training at the Army Apprentice College at Harrogate had been on weekend leave and was due back at 11pm on Sunday .
29 Just as Jennie had been on the sidelines while his first wife was alive , Mary became his mistress almost immediately he went through his second marriage ceremony .
30 As the RNO put it , ‘ Friern had been on the rack ’ .
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