Example sentences of "[noun prp] have [be] in " in BNC.

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1 Jenkins has been in the job for about ten days , so she can be forgiven for forgetting a lot of names , but she does have a long history of dealing with elderly people .
2 Given the amount of time that Karsten Schubert has been in business and given the new wave of gallery/dealers , this year is going to be the year to break with a much more open policy towards new art , are being seen as central to the contemporary art scene .
3 March has been in financial difficulties for some time and does n't have a sponsor for this season .
4 Mick Banks has been in institutions since he was 12 .
5 ICI has been in the polypropylene business since the early 1960s and currently has capacity for 300 kt per year , part at Wilton in the UK , part at Rozenburg in Holland .
6 ICI has been in the polyethylene terephthalate business since the 1940s when it began to develop the material as a fibre — ‘ Terylene ’ — following its invention by two British chemists .
7 LM It is very easy in the kind of society Czechoslovakia has been in the past twenty years to lose a more general perspective on events .
8 Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche has been in England since 1975 and most ordained people take either Kelsang or Gyatso in their names .
9 Ben has been in the home since the beginning of the year when , while appearing as the Sheriff of Nottingham in a panto in Whitchurch , he was taken ill in his digs .
10 Timex has been in Dundee for 47 years .
11 Of the 35 goals England have scored in the 26 matches Taylor has been in charge , just three have come from outside the penalty area .
12 Pakistan has been in upheaval since May 26th , when the Supreme Court overturned President Ishaq 's dismissal of the government and gave Mr Sharif his job back .
13 Also , my share of the Lothians has been in the care of my cousin the Bishop of Alba .
14 Wilko said : ‘ David has been in tremendous form in the early games and we can only hope the trouble clears up by Saturday . ’
15 ‘ Sturch has been in butchery about as long as Allsop has been in medicine , insofar , it occurred to Harry 's mind , as there was any real difference between the trades .
16 Once accorded head-of-state treatment throughout the Arab world , Mr Arafat has been in sharply reduced circumstances since his ill-judged support for Saddam Hussein during the Gulf crisis .
17 From an early age Haflor Ferdinandson has been in love with 4WD vehicles .
18 Jefferson has been in the business a long time and is no fool , is he ? ’
19 In spite of the fact that the Carews had been in Ireland since the middle of the seventeenth century , he still regarded himself as an expatriate living among a semi-barbarous people in a semi-barbarous land .
20 No one could tell she and Nevil had been in it .
21 Ronnie had been in F1 since 1971 , he was recognized as one of the sport 's quickest ever drivers , he had given Lotus four years of loyal service during relatively lean years and he thought he thoroughly deserved the reward when Lotus came good .
22 The PDC had been in opposition since leaving Endara 's government in April 1991 ; Arias had remained in the constitutional post of First Vice-President without attending Cabinet meetings .
23 For some weeks now , Rusty had been in that peculiarly unreal state when words leap out from pages , voices or one 's own thoughts , and rudely rattle their bones about , or shove their meanings under one 's nose like exhibitionists until the meanings themselves vanish in a dance of death .
24 The government were not reassured to learn that Branson had been in consultation with Robert Beckman , the New York lawyer who was fighting the anti-trust action on Laker 's behalf .
25 Moynihan had been in his time a University cox and a flyweight boxing blue , and barely came up to her elbow .
26 Miloš knew that Karadjordje had been in contact with the representatives of the Greek nationalist organisation Philike Hetairia ( Society of Friends ) , which was planning a general rising of all the sultan 's Christian subjects .
27 Lennox-Boyd had been in the post for five years and had asked to retire for family business reasons .
28 She parted her lips to tell him about Dana , then closed them again as a desperate plea from her twin made itself known as clearly as if Dana had been in the same room .
29 In the old days , he and his brother Josh had been in charge of the Punishment Squad .
30 Paul Gascoigne 's career and his hugely expensive transfer to Lazio had been in doubt ever since his disastrous knee injury in last year 's FA Cup Final , but the night club fracas which brought about a further fracture made a successful recovery look still less likely .
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