Example sentences of "[noun prp] to [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 His words heartened Lucy to such an extent that uncontrollable giggles began to erupt from her until she became almost hysterical .
2 Now more than ever England is a reluctantly cosmopolitan society , and it comes easy in England to subordinate the different experiences of sexes and nationalities to a single archetype .
3 for when every commandment of the law had been declared by Moses to all the people , he took the blood of calves and goats , with water and scarlet wool and hyssop , and sprinkled both the book itself and all the people , saying , ‘ This is the blood of the covenant which God commanded you . ’
4 Over a five-year period Kiselev transformed the administration of the lands between the Pruth and the Danube to such an extent that it was to be hard , thereafter , for the sultan or outsiders to prevent the eventual emergence of an independent Romania .
5 She had refined the smuggling operation between Morocco and the UK to such a pitch that it was no longer necessary to put into a Mediterranean or UK port and in this way had succeeded in making over twenty runs bringing cargoes of cannabis into Britain since 1974 .
6 In early 1989 the Recruit scandal forced Takeshita from office prematurely [ see p. 36589 ] , but also implicated Abe to such an extent — it forced him to resign as LDP secretary-general — that the premiership once again eluded him .
7 They back-chatted Mr Griffith to such an extent that he reversed a penalty award to them close to the posts .
8 We had to assume many of the debts of Ferdinand Marcos and his associates and this has increased the repayments to banks like Barclays to such an extent that we have had to agree to the conditions of the IMF to get new money .
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