Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Mr Mellish disclosed that investigations after the incidents at Gateshead gas depot just before midnight on Tuesday and at a disused Esso oil terminal at North Shields late last night involved explosives .
2 The problem was Ron Dennis and in a way , this clash between the two men is a microcosm of life in FI and deserves a brief aside .
3 NATO decided to go ahead with the cruise missiles before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and against a background of Soviet-American agreement in the Salt 11 talks on strategic weapons .
4 Voting was also held for all State Assembly seats in Haryana and West Bengal and for a number of State Assembly seats in Uttar Pradesh .
5 The sisters and their assailants , who went to McDonalds and for a walk through the city together , had also exchanged addresses .
6 Although China is a member of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species ( CITES ) , rhino is being smuggled into the country from Yemen , Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan and to a lesser degree from Singapore and Thailand .
7 They were linked by blood to Charles II , the Dukes of Marlborough , Devonshire and Abercorn and through a quirk of history to seven American presidents , including Franklin D. Roosevelt , and to the actor Humphrey Bogart and , it is said , the gangster Al Capone .
8 With reference to starting points , Wyre is the name of a Borough Council covering a large area of the North Fylde but there is no town or village of Wyre and as a starting point ‘ Wyre ’ does not make sense .
9 I would be employed also by the WEA and as a Trade Union lecturer ( which , as far as I know , I still am ) .
10 It had provided that the deal could be varied in writing only and had to be signed by Mr Gillespie and by a director of the purchasing company acting with the authorisation of its board .
11 A large part of its small area is taken up by the grounds of The Crystal Palace and by a residential school .
12 My Sophie , for example — if she were in Darcy 's Utopia and in a couple of years were to become a teenage primigravida , which is perfectly on the cards — I reckon the neighbours would know better than Lou or me if she was fit to be a mother or not .
13 I shall come into Béarn from the Soule by way of Tardets and through a small , thoroughly bucolic bit of country known as the Barétous .
14 Feisal , for instance , was not welcomed by the French in Syria and as a result was installed king of another emergent country — Iraq .
15 But it was only somewhere about thirty degrees Celsius and after a few days I had become accustomed to the change in temperature .
16 The other branch runs south-eastwards through New Guinea and the New Hebrides and through a scatter of small Melanesian islands , before making an abrupt dog 's leg northwards to the Samoan islands to join the Tonga-Kermadec chain which extends southwards again into New Zealand .
17 The Man reached Woil and with a slow but sure movement put the coat he had been carrying over Woil 's back and head and quickly put his arms around him .
18 A blue cloth bag contained roots of Yellow-Root ( see below ) with several kinds of Orchis and in a white bag were various Martagons .
19 Most of the attention , however , was focused on the nine days ahead of battling over the direction of economic reform in Russia and over a new constitution , several drafts of which have been prepared by different factions .
20 ‘ The Russian authorities are very likely to ask that they be extradited and tried in Russia since the crime took place in Russia and on a Russian plane , ’ Stockholm 's police superintendent , Tore Loftheim , said .
21 Russia and to a lesser extent Prussia are at one extreme , Great Britain at the other .
22 There would be even more noise when the navvies moved to their next camp closer to Swinbrook and beside a stream that flowed through the village and on to the river Windrush .
23 Anne Seaton taught at a SKFA ‘ associated movement ’ course in Glasgow in February and at a WLHB charity rally in Ayr in March ( specification — tow identical half-hour sessions , each for 100 people , using balls and clubs ) ; Anne was also invited for the second year to help judge a heat in the Movement and Recreative Dance section of SKFA 's Open National Championship .
24 In the nineteenth century they were all categorised together as ‘ the Alderney or French breed ’ said to be bred chiefly on Alderney and to a lesser extent on the other islands .
25 The strike began on the morning of Wednesday 15 May and within a week was bringing Ulster close to a standstill .
26 My office was subsequently informed by telephone on 10 May and by a letter dated 13 May from the deputy manager of the unemployment benefit office that Mr. Docherty 's case had been allowed by the adjudication officer , and that he was therefore entitled to arrears of benefit .
27 In addition , due to the efforts of Woodhouse , Babbage , Herschel and Peacock from 1803 onwards , Leibniz " notation and methods in the calculus had gradually replaced Newton 's in England and as a consequence much of continental analysis had become available to the English .
28 I I obviously Cornwall is a special case which we obviously as our Celtic cousins it is the only non-Anglo Saxon county in England and as a result we feel a very , very strong erm er almost a kind of Uncle erm Nephew relationship to Cornwall , whereas the Cornish are certainly not Welsh but they 're certainly not Anglo Saxon English either .
29 It expresses particular concern about the fact that 10 per cent of England 's salty lagoons are projected to be lost over the next 20 years : " Their rarity , both in England and on a European scale , is such that their conservation is of the highest importance . "
30 He was a South African like Albert , but eventually settled in England and after a period at York City became a postman .
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