Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Mr Vogel , detained on Tuesday and held for 10 hours in a solitary cell , was arrested because the prosecutors believed he would reveal the whereabouts of Mr Schalck-Golodkowski .
2 Mr Vogel , detained on Tuesday and held for 10 hours in a solitary cell , was arrested because the prosecutors believed he would reveal the whereabouts of Mr Schalck-Golodkowski .
3 Reaffirming the 1990 decision , which found Koons guilty of pirating the original photograph , the appeals court criticised Koons and Sonnabend for assuming that their position in the art business and the high price of the works would shield them from any legal action .
4 In 1811 he won the competition for a complex of buildings in Plymouth consisting of a hotel , assembly rooms , and theatre ; and , his success with this important commission establishing his local reputation , he moved to Plymouth and remained for twenty-five years the leading architect of the neighbourhood .
5 Gustavsson made the leading group 1.5km from the finish and went on to outsprint Blyth and Rohr for first place , a brilliant recovery from a dismal start .
6 In 1915 , he enlisted in the RFC and served for the remainder of World War One firstly as a gunner then as a pilot .
7 However , in statements after his election Polozkov appeared at pains to emphasis his loyalty to Gorbachev and support for perestroika , and to refute his reputation for conservatism .
8 In 1878 he arrived in the United States and studied for the Unitarian ministry at Meadville Theological School in Pennsylvania .
9 Sotheby 's will be pinning their hopes on the decorative arts market which is performing well in Europe and the States and accounted for 56% of business last year compared to 38% in 1990 .
10 Glad of our meeting in Vancouver and hope for a reunion in New York , Moscow , Samarkand or the Volga ’ .
11 ‘ Orme was in the lead as we left Coleraine and headed for Portrush , ’ Robert said afterwards .
12 On the last day of 1921 the Party Central Committee appointed Feliks Dzerzhinsky , the head of the Cheka and Commissar for Transport , to the commission for the dispatch of food supplies and grain seed from Siberia and the Ukraine .
13 Stories about the illegal capture and sale of wild animals do n't usually have happy endings , and so no wonder there was much celebration when 10 wild-caught orang-utans smuggled into Taiwan and destined for the pet trade were confiscated by Taiwanese officials and sent back to their Indonesian homeland for rehabilitation .
14 It was a strangely anomic creature who strode up to the door of the house of the Frankensteins and rapped for admittance .
15 I waved to Toby and went for the door .
16 Following the Aug. 2 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait , Mubarak on Aug. 12 sent troops ( estimated by Le Monde of Dec. 2 at nearly 20,000 ) to Saudi Arabia , after playing a key role in persuading delegates at the Aug. 10 Arab League summit in Cairo to denounce Iraqi aggression against Kuwait and to call for its immediate withdrawal and the deployment of " Arab forces " to help Saudi Arabia [ see p. 37635 ] .
17 He was refused entry to Kuwait and asked for asylum in France.President Giscard d'Estaing asked the Shah his views and the Shah made one of the worst mistakes in his reign by agreeing the Khomeini should go to France , He assumed that the obstreperous priest would be les of a threat to him in distant , Christian France than in neighbouring , radical , Islamic country .
18 Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze , meeting US Secretary of State Baker in Moscow on Aug. 3 , issued with him a joint statement condemning the invasion of Kuwait and appealing for a global ban on arms supplies to Iraq .
19 The manifesto condemned the invasion of Kuwait and called for the immediate withdrawal of Iraqi forces .
20 The Miguelist forces entered Funchal , and some 146 people and twenty-one clergy were arrested and imprisoned , sent to Lisbon and deported for life to the Portuguese colonies .
21 Radio Monte Carlo reported on April 8 that the Damascus-based " rejectionist " Palestine National Salvation Front ( PNSF ) had recently outlined a " surprising " new initiative stressing the importance of adherence to the leadership of the PLO and calling for " a review of the past phase in order to agree on a political and organizational action plan " .
22 The Duchess of Gloucester , as Patron , visits the offices of Counsel and Care for the Elderly , at 16 Bonny Street , London NW1 .
23 11 October : The Duchess of Gloucester , Patron of Counsel and Care for the Elderly , today visited the Counsel 's new offices at 16 Bonny Street , London NW1 .
24 Details of provision can be obtained from social services and from organisations such as Counsel and Care for the Elderly and GRACE .
25 Arising from the resolute opposition by the District to the Board 's proposals , a sub-committee was also established by the Cambridge Board to consider its relations with the WEA and met for the first time in May 1938 .
26 Ironic compliments were paid to Pierre , Donna and Raoul for the potency and effect of their acting and Raoul played for sympathy and looked nobly forgiving , holding a handkerchief to his nose and peering at it for blood , of which there seemed to be not much .
27 Here she , not he , is the anxious worker , soon dressed , pausing briefly over The Guardian Women 's Page and muesli before climbing into her clapped-out Renault and heading for her own day of action .
28 I remember Lily playing her first solo on a flat-sounding descant recorder made by Dolmetsch and bought for her by her father .
29 He was for going on at once , but I would stay ; so he said he would return to Mullinavat and wait for me in a bar there .
30 So she gave Jamie to a horse dealer called Liz Burt and asked for another in return .
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