Example sentences of "[noun prp] and by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As is now well known , the thrust and outline of the proposed reforms were announced by Mr Kenneth Clarke , the then Secretary of State for Education and Science in a speech to the North of England Education Conference in early January and by way of a consultation document at the end of that month .
2 The project will be based in the Policy Research Institute ( Northern Ireland ) , which is sponsored jointly by the two universities in Northern Ireland and by government .
3 Four of the five cluster A YACs are those which were also positive for ZNF25 by PCR and by hybridisation with the KOX19 probe ( Figure 5 ) .
4 As has been noted before , he followed the Beowulf -poet in being very loath to use the word ‘ heathen ’ , reserving it twice for Denethor and by implication the Black Númenoreans .
5 in Westminster and by tradition the church of the House of Commons .
6 The Jewish Christians had just as distorted an idea of God and by consequence had run into problems in their relationships with these brand-new non-Jewish converts .
7 It will be published by Dutton/NAL in the US and by Headline later this year .
8 Modigliani was intensely unhappy and suspicious of Beatrice 's growing intimacy with Jacob and by extension Picasso .
9 Hashemite political control was established by division of the local administration of the West Bank and by incorporation of the local notable class .
10 Erm , Products and Services did very well internationally , in fact the entire business did well internationally , generally , particularly in Venezuela , Nigeria and by year end the er , joint venture in Russia was er , was complete and ready to start .
11 They discovered that the pair were also trading at a stall in Abingdon and by mail order .
12 They discovered that the pair were also trading at a stall in Abingdon and by mail order .
13 The corporate Technology Centre at Sonning Common in the United Kingdom is complemented by a pharmaceutical research group in the USA and by development groups and technical centres within each division .
14 It would require direct negotiations between the ASEAN and Indo-Chinese states towards a resolution of the Kampuchean problem and the provision of guarantees against further external ( interpreted as Thai and by extension American ) attempts to unseat the Vietnamese-installed regime in Kampuchea .
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