Example sentences of "[noun prp] [v-ing] [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 No — she did n't want to be locked away to die , yet as she rushed across the square she escaped death by inches from a dog-cart without noticing it , the magnet that was Christie Goldsborough drawing her in a straight line , through brick walls if need be , to get at him .
2 A business acquisition can be completed within sixteen weeks , with the Treuhand rationalising it in anticipation of purchase , offering financial advice , cancelling former obligations and providing attractive contractual terms .
3 Walt Disney could n't have staged a better aqua show with Azinger hooking into water , and opponent Ballesteros topping it in there after him — and failing , despite a 40-foot putt .
4 Why is Vicky killing you in twelve days ?
5 It had been far from the capital week he had come to expect from Cowes , what with Willie winning everything in sight , having to make diplomatic speeches to his own nephew about how jolly it was to lose to him , and then just as he got time to drown his sorrows at the Yacht Club he had to come to Broadstairs .
6 Having always taken great pains over her appearance , the thought of Brian seeing her in such hideous circumstances appalled her .
7 We intend to place the money in our building fund and it is also a faith-building experience for us to see God blessing us in this way .
8 Her thoughts were interrupted by the unusual sight of Fru Møller stationing herself in the middle of the study and clearing her throat .
9 Otherwise it has been a strange one , with Janice trying hard to be ‘ cultured ’ , Teddy achieving it in Janice 's eyes and Lucker remaining slightly detached .
10 But I could not stop Cathy whispering something in Linton 's ear , before we left the room .
11 But she said when officers went into a tent which contained a number of crates with alcoholic drinks they found Jones holding something in his hand .
12 With his whining , nasal , urban voice , there are moments when he is the weedy boy at the summer camp or Woody Allen finding himself in the South American jungles in Bananas .
13 In the following year the duc de Richelieu , the French chief minister , sent an agent to Switzerland , Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands to report on the press there and the possibility of France influencing it in her favour .
14 We returned to our chambers , Benjamin joining me in mine .
15 And Sarah Morgan likes the idea of Angela marrying someone in the government . ’
16 He harangues his followers in prose , yet is deflated by mocking asides from them , Shakespeare leaving us in no doubt what to think of his pretensions ( 2 Henry VI , IV.ii.31ff . ) .
17 ‘ What I really dread is Mark ringing me in the morning in a rage because the postman has woken him at 7.30am to deliver a huge box of clothes for me .
18 She had to squat down to dodge the ancient fly-paper dangling from the light-flex , but it was better than Babs seeing her in her vest and school knickers , or anyone else for that matter ; Babs insisted on keeping the dressing-room door open .
19 Where Macbeth had been concealed or opaque to Duncan , and was thus in a superior position , manipulating him by pretence , we now see Lady Macbeth putting herself in the dominant position , planning to manipulate her husband : Macbeth is now transparent to her , and she to us .
20 John wrapping her in a scarlet cashmere dressing gown , which she considered madly extravagant but adorable of him .
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