Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 William Temple got him an honouring invitation , as a delegate to the vast ecumenical conference at Edinburgh in 1937 .
2 Saints boss Ian Branfoot made it a double raid on London when he also signed Chelsea 's Dutch defender Ken Monkou for a similar figure .
3 Geraldine read us a short story and , as I had each contraction , I 'd kneel over a bean bag .
4 Nicoll appointed him a fellow of the Shakespeare Institute in 1953 .
5 Colin phoned him up , and er , it it he mentioned , how he was starting up , and he said he might be interested , anyway Colin phoned him a couple of weeks ago to see if he was still interested in .
6 But Pascoe found her a great deal of help in restoring his rather worn manly pride .
7 A brief greatness was now conferred on the place , when the Popes found it an island refuge in their struggle against the Empire : Count Pierre of Melgueil bestowed the county and bishopric on SS Peter and Paul and Pop Gregory VII in 1085 , Pope Urban II graciously granted it back as a fief for a mere annual ounce of gold , and in 1096 , on a visit , astonishingly declared the church ‘ second after that of Rome ’ , with arms of the two
8 For Foster the resurfaced family tradition of unionism and his newly acquired loyalty to Paisley made him an active and enthusiastic supporter of his political activities .
9 Rebecca made me a cup of coffee ages ago
10 Meredith flung him an eager glance , enthralled by the noise , the snow , the funereal gondolas bobbing in the water .
11 Sir Michael Angus made it a double whammy for Unilever as the outgoing plc chairman , soon to take up the cudgels on behalf of the CBI , entered the International Marketing Hall of Fame .
12 Winner of the agility and the egg and spoon race , Mrs. Moore 's Penny made it a treble when , kitted out as a home help , she won the fancy dress title .
13 Hepzibah had cooked a cake with white icing and twelve candles and Mister Johnny made her a crown of wild flowers to put on her head .
14 There was one moment of which I was particularly proud , and Richard made it a magic one .
15 Then Aunt Branwell read her a story from the Bible , and I forgot about it .
16 I took Sir Ralph to the top of the stairs into the North Bastion tower but the passageway was so narrow Colebrooke helped him the rest of the way . ’
17 Ewan monitored it every day .
18 Hoskyns found him the opening — sub-warden of Lincoln Theological College .
19 At the same time , Michelle also wanted to return to singing and Dennis found her a job backing Leonard Cohen .
20 Caroline found herself saying impulsively , regretting the impulse immediately as Anneliese cast her a surprised look .
21 Christina cringed as Susanna pronounced it the American way .
22 Spicer told him the news and asked him if he would like a local caddie to be booked .
23 Robson said yesterday : ‘ Bobby told me the atmosphere got to certain players last time .
24 Shiona darted him a quick look , her heart still pounding .
25 The prospect of his giving a dinner party for the Bishop of Medewich and the Earl of Medewich and Markham afforded him a very straightforward pleasure .
26 Under question , Edward told me a little more about Laura 's past than she herself was willing to volunteer .
27 Mr Grover listened carefully as Paddington told him the story .
28 Yeah Sue told me the other day that er she wo n't come out till she 's , she 's right cold .
29 Shiona threw him a hard look .
30 Shiona threw him a harsh look as , shrugging off his hand , she climbed into the passenger seat .
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