Example sentences of "[noun prp] [coord] ask for " in BNC.

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1 He was refused entry to Kuwait and asked for asylum in France.President Giscard d'Estaing asked the Shah his views and the Shah made one of the worst mistakes in his reign by agreeing the Khomeini should go to France , He assumed that the obstreperous priest would be les of a threat to him in distant , Christian France than in neighbouring , radical , Islamic country .
2 So she gave Jamie to a horse dealer called Liz Burt and asked for another in return .
3 The Committee decided to write to the Union leaders in Washington and ask for help .
4 Gandhi wrote to him on 14 February and asked for an interview .
5 ‘ On my way down I sent a message to the sheriff 's office at the Guildhall and asked for two cursitors to make diligent inquiries amongst the taverns and stews along this side of the river .
6 It was made the more difficult because the Iranians were at one remove from the hostage-takers ; even at best , all they could promise was to lean on Hizbollah and ask for a favour .
7 He admitted eight robberies between May and July and asked for two others and six attempted robberies to be taken into consideration .
8 Next I had yet another idea , I wrote to the American Women 's Club of Thailand and asked for the donation of a video player .
9 He goes up to a kiosk in Wenceslas Square and asks for a copy of Rude Pravo ( Red Truth ) , the Party newspaper .
10 Then I thought I would try writing a thirty-minute comedy play , which I sent to ITV and asked for their comments .
11 All state secondary schools are required by law to publish their results once a year and so now you can write or phone individual school secretaries or the LEA and ask for a copy of the exam results , ideally asking for the previous 2 or 3 years .
12 ‘ He works for Spiderglass and asks for danger-money ! ’
13 The temperature remained high so Spencer called Humberside and asked for a QDM ( bearing to effect a return ) .
14 He then knelt and confessed his sin to God and asked for the forgiveness that is in Christ to be his .
15 Sandison called over to Franco but asked for only one glass of the special liqueur .
16 ‘ I was desperate when I rang Anne and asked for her help .
17 ( 4 ) Under " Matters arising from the minutes " , an efficient Chairman will turn to Ms Smith and Mr Jones and ask for their reports .
18 The winners , who both come from Manchester and asked for no publicity , scooped £1,338,825.45p each .
19 You should make it clear that you will be a student at the University of Edinburgh and ask for an account to be opened at a convenient branch .
20 You should make it clear that you will be a student at the University of Edinburgh and ask for an account to be opened at a convenient branch .
21 Telephone or write to Christine Catlin or Janet Sutton and ask for an application form .
22 What is certain is that on the bright and sunny morning of 4 June 1913 the forty-year-old Emily Davison called at the offices of the WSPU in London and asked for two of the union 's white , green and purple flags .
23 Then he rang some film company in London and asked for one of the most junior men in the public-relations office , and the girl could hear the phone being put down on him .
24 ‘ The health authority was approached very quietly on behalf of the Princess of Wales and asked for details , ’ a senior source at the hospital told TODAY .
25 Joseph of Arimathaea , a member of the Sanhedrin who was obviously sympathetic to Jesus ( Matthew claims he had become a secret disciple ) , went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus .
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