Example sentences of "[noun prp] [pers pn] must [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Bernard I must tell you , listening to you at the moment is Simon Wigg on one of our other lines erm just a word about Simon before I bring him in .
2 Er , I 've had a word with Jeremy about decorating , oh Florrie I must apologise I did try to ring you , I think I managed to get everybody else , erm but you were n't there , in and then I , I left it I regret to say , erm but we thought perhaps we ought to have the kitchen re-decorated and I 've had a word with Jereminy , Jereminy , Jeremy and he says about two hundred pounds and I did get permission from some of you and I 've gone ahead and asked him to do it and he said about three weeks , but before we can have that done , in the meantime , the roof leaked again out in the kitchen Erm , so I 've had a word with Peter who was going on holiday and he should be home this week and he said he will look at it as soon as he 's home , so I 'll give him a ring , I 'll try tomorrow night , I 'm out tonight , I 'll try and give him a ring tomorrow .
3 Then her face cleared ; when she had leaned across to kiss Richard she must have nudged it off , and no doubt she would find it in her car when he brought it back in the morning .
4 We leave the second part to the sorceress who 's the really strong character in the whole play to spoil this love match and she sends the spirit of herself in the form of the God Mercury to deceive Anaeas into saying he 's got to go away , so he goes and tells Dido he must leave and of course Dido 's heartbroken and she commits suicide and of course this is celebrated with the famous lament at the end of the opera .
5 In 1659 he similarly petitioned the recalled Rump Parliament to remember ‘ The Good Old Cause ’ , and initiate reform ; and in June 1660 he addressed a ‘ warning ’ to the newly restored Charles II , explaining that like King David he must govern the faithful justly .
6 It is plain that just like Bach he must have owned several — indeed , the wording of his will implies as much .
7 If MDC is lo avoid the hostile criticism endured by LDDC it must avoid re-enacting their unpopular approach .
8 And not content with berating Strauss he must move on to Hofmannsthal-bashing — an all too familiar exercise by those who read no German and are unable to find themselves moved by this sensitive poet 's imaginings .
9 And , Hal , from Chester I must go north to the march as fast as I may , for Walton sends me word there are new raids threatening , and it 's his belief and mine there are French knights serving there with Douglas . ’
10 For example , if you have a Black Orc Warlord you must have at least one Mob of Black Orcs in your army .
11 It was while Cecilia was running upstairs for the third time to tell Tina she must get up , she really must or she would be late for school , that she heard the Cambridge School bell utter a single toll .
12 As a new resident in Northern Ireland you must obtain a Northern Ireland licence .
13 Just one came , and he was so like Mr Field he must have been his brother .
14 After the prince returned to England it must have seemed increasingly unlikely that he would live to inherit the throne , and the prospect of Richard 's succession as a child served only to increase uncertainty .
15 On 26 January he must give his State of the Union address in which he will outline his major tax proposals .
16 If ever Joseph felt King of Spain it must have been on his triumphal progress in Andalusia .
17 When he had attempted to release Simon he must have been hurt , for blood was forming crimson rivulets down one side of his face .
18 But the , er Bernard you must admit the best one of all was the , the full works of the Encyclo Brittannia falling on her head !
19 Oh , no , she silently grieved , and as her conscience prodded away at her until she was in an agitated state of mental uproar , so all her disquieted spirits urged that the next time she saw Ven she must confess the whole of it to him .
20 She does n't , of course , mention it , but as a researcher living among the Masai she must have become part of the total social fact herself .
21 Whenever you hear one of these QDMs you must fly a heading to parallel your track .
22 B You must have been dreaming
23 ‘ We will abide by the decision but if the vote is to remain at Belle Vue they must realise that they will have to commit themselves to raising funds towards the rent , ’ emphasised Daley .
24 He told Helen he must have gone off his head : he had written three lots of verses in one week ( including the one on Old Margaret and Headington Hill printed in Collected Poems , p. 458 ) .
25 On the chalk downlands , which have been under sheep pasture ever since the Iron Age , something like the original appearance of a similar trackway has been preserved , but in the arable Midlands it must have disappeared fairly early .
26 The Telegraph commented : ‘ As Sir Alf [ pictured ] watched his team begin their first game together since last November he must have felt like a yachtsman who takes the winter covers off his boat , eases it into the water and finds it has sprung leaks fore , aft and midships . ’
27 It went some way to repairing their damaged pride after their defeat by Swindon Town at the weekend , Mickey Inotta was there ; Mickey it must have cheered you up a bit .
28 Well there used to be one on the corner of Street and Street that was , that was a pawnshop right opposite the churches facing it the church were on the one corner Street and used to be on the opposite corner , and Johnny was a member of the church choir as I was after I was ten years ol ten years old , I Mr he must have thought I could sing he sent me down to St Paul 's and I , I went to St Paul 's Church on the corner of Street and I did n't stay there long because it was I was still working part- time I was still a schoolboy but er I did sing in the choir at St Paul 's Church for a time , and then I went , I went back to St Mary 's and All Saints in Palfry as a choirboy and er we used to have choir practice once or twice a week , I know we had it Wednesday night , the choir master was Albert Edward he was a butcher , kept a butcher 's shop on the corner of and
29 More expertly than I. She must know how
30 ‘ We were discussing it , my wife and I. She must have taken the things that morning before she set out .
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