Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adv] think that " in BNC.

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1 Although Scott obviously thought that there was nothing wrong in MPs lobbying Palmerston on his behalf , he was upset at the idea of fellow architects criticizing his appointment .
2 Ken always thought that was untrue .
3 Schumpeter also thought that politicians have more influence over voters than most post-war pluralists have conceded .
4 Fanshawe clearly thought that Quigley was the product of the chemical reaction he had just engendered .
5 Some Zuwaya and Magharba also thought that the postures adopted by their fellow tribesmen were undemocratic and retrograde , and so they too stayed away .
6 I had been heartened by their performance , but Pat really thought that , in its basic approach , the Government was right .
7 A dozen books took up the space of three dozen nomes , and while Grimma privately thought that some of the books were more useful than many of the nomes , she 'd accepted Dorcas 's promise that they would come back , one day , and try to retrieve them from their hiding place under the floor .
8 Brenda often thought that this was the part of the working day she liked best , the hour before the staff arrived and the work of the Lab got really under way , when she and Inspector Blakelock worked together in the quiet emptiness of the hall , still and solemn as a church , making up a supply of manila folders ready to register the day 's new cases , repacking exhibits for collection by the police , making a final check of the Laboratory reports to courts to ensure that the examination was complete , that no relevant detail had been omitted .
9 Darwin certainly thought that aggressive fighting was common .
10 After the two opt-outs negotiated by the Prime Minister at Maastricht , does Chancellor Kohl still think that the Prime Minister is a good European ?
11 Dana Gillespie : ‘ DeFries always thought that in order for us to absorb musical culture as it should be from America , we should actually go and live in America , and it took quite a few months for it all to be organized .
12 Croom-Johnson J. plainly thought that he is ; one of the reasons advanced for accepting the contentions of the appellant was that , if the law were otherwise , the ‘ well meaning ’ defendant who went to the aid of the police and accidentally obstructed them would be guilty of an offence .
13 The detached , amused part of Phoebe sometimes thought that her main feeling at these parties was a wish that she , and everyone else too , would dare to improve the quality of the wine , but they were all too self-consciously afraid of being mistaken for Yuppies , despite the fact they were mostly a little too old and slightly too poor .
14 Von Frisch initially thought that the dance merely alerted the bees to the presence of a new source , which they found by its scent .
15 This was disingenuous , for the policy in practice would involve greater State intervention , and Beveridge certainly thought that the share of resources taken by the State would rise markedly .
16 Thomas Aquinas indeed thinks that a woman can not receive the character of ordination .
17 Charles Henstock privately thought that Dulcie was poorly named — neither sweet nor gentle , and very quick to use her horns on unsuspecting visitors , as he had found to his cost one wet day .
18 Mrs Herbert naturally thought that Dohti was an imaginary playmate .
19 Hess mistakenly thought that the oceanic crust consisted of altered peridotite , the material of the mantle itself .
20 Even though its voice was always flat and expressionless , Masklin still thought that it sounded wistful .
21 So Sullivan actually thought that by taking the Shah , the US might gain points with the opposition , whose triumph he now regarded as inevitable .
22 Baldwin rightly thought that this particular bubble would be pricked over the weekend .
23 Mr. B. undoubtedly thought that way too , but he tied up his loose ends just the same .
24 Preston sometimes thought that Mother Bernie and William between them had ruined whatever chance he 'd ever had of a normal sex life .
25 Sally-Anne sometimes thought that her career as a housemaid had been sparked off by that remark as much as by anything else — that and discovering how hard life was in the East End , and her determination to write about it from the inside , rather than as a privileged outsider looking in .
26 If Rank seriously thought that his directors could work to order and effectively fill the gap in the release schedules , notwithstanding the audience 's proven affection for US pictures , then he really did know very little about film production .
27 Jonathan always thinks that what he says is so fantastic that he 's got to say it twice in case you missed it the first time round .
28 However , the framers of the declaration have not quite been answered ; for Thomas clearly thinks that God chooses certain things and persons to become sacramental signs because they provide the more suitable signification .
29 Lord Dilhorne and Lord Russell both thought that there was nothing more than a gift , whereas Lord Fraser , dissenting , considered that there had been a sale of both articles ( ie the petrol and the coins ) in one transaction .
30 Lady Bertram advises Fanny that ‘ it is every woman 's duty to accept such a very exceptional offer ’ and Edmund also thinks that it is ‘ most advantageous and desirable ’ .
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