Example sentences of "[noun prp] [no cls] and the " in BNC.

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1 Kawasaki has re-introduced its GPZ6OO at £4,14O and the big four names continue to be pressured by smaller capacity machines like the Yamaha FZR4OORR and the featherlight Suzuki RGV25O two strike twin which has a top speed of 127mph .
2 Well that was the that was the er base headquarters of the international brigade , Albusate And then from there , w you were farmed out to the village , which was er er sort of the base , who are responsible for your er particular national battalion , you see er , the the the French people , they they er w they would be in one village , the English and the Canadians er er Americans would be er in this place that we were at , called Tarrazona Er and the Germans w , the German anti-fascists would be er in another .
3 The production of both the procoagulant TNF α and the potent vasoconstrictor endothelin-1 by perivascular macrophages will contribute powerfully towards thrombosis in this situation .
4 With but two new cars on show — the mighty Mercedes 500E and the technologically overdosed Mitsubishi Sigma — Paris seemed set to play a soft second fiddle to Birmingham 's show .
5 And what is " Reverse Polling ON/OFF " for God 's sake ? ) , my thoughts return to Alexander Bain and the protracted overnight success he provoked .
6 Hewlett-Packard Co unveiled two new colour printers , the DeskJet 1200C and the 1200C/PS , which use laser-printer functionality and plain paper : out now , the 1200C will sell for $1,700 , and the 1200C/PS for $2,400 ; they do up to seven pages per minute and offer 600 by 300 dots-per-inch text print quality .
7 Erm yea , i I 'll come back on that a couple of points , erm regarding Mr Donson erm and the Southern Ryedale and York greenbelt local plan inquiry .
8 The race was won by an Aston Martin DB4 and the Guisborough duo came sixth in the overall concours and fourth in their class of 1,000–1,300cc grand touring sports cars .
9 This month 's test cars — the BMW 518i and the Mercedes Benz 190E 1.8 — are the latest variations of popular model ranges .
10 Now all I 'm suggesting to him is that there is here apparently a requirement laid down by the treaty which ca n't be aggregated by any one individual member state which could actually only be enforced by reference to a court of justice and what I 'd like to ask is in the light of this very deep seated concern by the French about Strasbourg er and the European parliament building and the knowledge that this is of such importance to the er of er voting and of representation in the community of the European elections .
11 As regards Mrs er and the children , whether er it 's now been admitted that she was arrested and kept in that living room , whether that arrest er was lawful or not .
12 There is quite a lot of local traffic er I say local , is heading for the area you know , north of Harrogate er erm to er to the Dales , er to Ripon er and points between Harrogate er and the A one to the north .
13 Erm now I I do n't think anybody 's suggesting that in er the Greater York new settlement we would be likely to achieve a large shopping mall anchored at both ends , one by Marks and Spencers er and the other by Fenwicks , or or or any o or bins or any other department store , so he must really understand the process and really what we talking about er er in North Yorkshire .
14 I 'm sure the boy does n't want to be quoted as if he was a cross between the Encyclopedia Britannica and the Authorized Version . ’
15 The scores for the variables were tested for correlations using the Kendall τ and the Pearson r statistics .
16 Suppose that the orbital radii are rx and rG for Cygnus X-1 and the blue supergiant respectively , and that the normal to the orbital plane is tilted at an angle i with respect to our line of sight .
17 The city effortlessly blends the old with the new , and La Défense and the Pompidou Centre are now as much a part of it as Notre Dame , Sacré Coeur and the Arc de Triomphe .
18 My Lords , I I 'm like others of Your Lordships , I was myself very greatly influenced er in my opinion of this Bill by the remarks made by no fewer than three er former Home Secretaries , my Noble Friend Lord , my Noble Friend Lord a and the Noble Lord , Lord of Cardiff .
19 The recreational vehicles — Vauxhall is sensitive about calling them off-roaders — are familiar ; in Japan and in the US they 're the short-wheelbase Isuzu Amigo and the long-wheelbase five-door Rodeo , but in the UK they 're to be the Vauxhall Frontera Sport and Frontera respectively .
20 This technique of index scaling is used in the University of Manchester MU5 and the ICL 2900 range .
21 Well he is worried about them having an accident with it but , but he 's not er worried about him having the motorbike , no he cos he would have done the same as a er child anyway well things like that , but erm what he 's worried about is that er with Ryan i and the other boy , n not Ryan so much , the other boy does it all the time , they 're churning all the grass up all over there in great big
22 His work on Glastonbury was assisted by research there , and in preparing his histories of English kings and bishops , the Gesta Regum and the Gesta Pontificum , both of which appeared in 1125 and were revised subsequently , he seems to have visited most of the major cathedrals and abbeys in England , examining their archives and listening to their oral traditions .
23 They loved the way acts like Hüsker and The Minutemen ( so named because , in the beginning , all their songs were under a minute long ) made sharp , concise statements about love and life , without introducing dubious concepts ( that came much later ) .
24 Units are currently stocked at 356 Oxford Street , W1 , Whiteleys of Bayswater W2 and The Ashley Centre , Epsom .
25 Here are four products representing some of the most exciting recent advances in TV and Video technology … the elegant Ferguson 51K4 TV and Ferguson FV37H Video , the portable Ferguson 41H3 and the giant screen Ferguson 68K4 .
26 The Coach travel collection is available in black and British tan at the Coach Shop , 8 Sloane Street , London SW1 and the Coach Department at Harrods , Knightsbridge , London SW1 .
27 Right , thank you very much er Chris fo and the proposal is from th the Treasurer , can I have a seconder please ?
28 From this and the angular diameter , the astronomers calculated that Supernova 1987A and the LMC are 169 000 light years away .
29 Jed had provided some of it , Peter brought the Beaujolais Nouveau and the rest came from Tina 's current boyfriend , who worked in the Grog Blossom shop .
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