Example sentences of "[noun prp] [to-vb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 A resident at the C.I.C. hut could easily do a spot of rock-climbing , nip into Fort William to indulge in some leisurely shopping for tartan gonks and still be back in time for a sing-song round the primus stove .
2 ‘ Herr Nordern to attend to this — and this — and this — ! ’
3 The rest of the time , it 's largely down to Pat to attend to all the kennel duties .
4 I was shoved into dressing rooms throughout Vegas to stand beside some bemused star for a photograph and Glen Campbell , Lovelace Watkins and Liberace stood and grinned like old pals .
5 He did not want Eleanor to talk to any of his fellow patients and suss out what sort of hospital he was in .
6 ‘ I want David to look at another skin rash .
7 Be asking Sue to respond to that debate and to put the C E C point of view .
8 It was essential for the United States to explain to those countries which had supported the allied war effort against Japan how the dangers posed by a Japanese economic revival could be surmounted .
9 It is therefore possible for membership of a CU to lead to some countries experiencing long-term problems in coming to terms with the new competitive environment .
10 He said : ‘ I believe my attitude and fitness have both improved since I signed for Wednesday , and I 've got the boss and coach Ritchie Barker to thank for that .
11 There was no Reg Pybus to stand in this time , he too had left for pastures new .
12 ‘ We will be collaborating with BP teams in Aberdeen to benefit from all recent North Sea experience , ’ he adds .
13 You are coming to Andalucía to write about this place , to photograph it .
14 Er I do n't know , er I do n't know I 'm not er I do er I had this brother , I had this brother , and he was er he was a lecturer you see , and he was supposed to g go to West Bridgford to talk to this Co-op Comrades Circle on the problems of the Saar .
15 But the result still adds spice to next month 's Dublin date and Republic manager , Jack Charlton , who made the trip to Tirana to spy on both sides , will have his work cut out spiking Northern Ireland 's challenge .
16 Since the rest of India will go to the polls between May 20th and 26th , Mr Shekhar had wanted Punjab and Assam to vote in that same week .
17 They are required by the Bank of England to deal in all outstanding gilt-edged stocks including index-linked stocks and may , if they so choose , deal in other sterling fixed-interest securities ; in certain sterling money-market instruments ; and in derivatives of these securities and instruments , e.g. futures and options on gilts .
18 How can I go back to England to live with those awful Yahoos ! ’
19 Perhaps the famine — like the plagues of Egypt of old — was sent by God as a warning to England and Ireland to turn from this course while time still offered .
20 A working party was set up last July to advise on this University 's contribution to IY , and one of its recommendations , approved by Senate at its meeting of November 18th , is that each Faculty should nominate a member of staff to ‘ shadow ’ some person employed at senior management level in local manufacturing industry , nominated through CRUM , in the course of the winter term .
21 For it has led Darwin to think of each species as spreading out into varying conditions , over a range , over time .
22 I took myself up to Highbury to hear about all this .
23 [ John Bell had already persuaded Fred Allcock to help in this emergency and the boxes of ‘ Maranyl ’ were by the side of the vehicle , ready to load . ]
24 He was quite happy for Willi to sit through some of Therese 's practice sessions , for Willi 's overwhelming admiration for Therese 's voice — and Willi , in spite of his romantic overview , did understand about voice — was doing wonders for Therese 's confidence .
25 GL to arrange for this amount to be transferred to Computing .
26 And the parties could fulfil their promises only if they presented a uniform program to the electorate and achieved a cohesive majority in the House of Commons to carry through that program .
27 Which is to keep or prevent coalescence I think er probably ask Mr to comment on that .
28 Now can we move to a discussion on the criteria and I 'll ask Mr to open on that .
29 When shall we ask Jackie and Tom to look at that photo ?
30 The captain had been given permission by his superiors in Hamburg to sail for any port which would accept his passengers .
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