Example sentences of "[adv] over [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As the fighting was apparently over by the time he attended the German emperor Conrad II 's imperial coronation in Rome in March 1027 , the most likely year for Holy River therefore seems to be 1026 , or conceivably , if operations were protracted , 1025 .
2 She went swiftly over to the door and had gone before he could answer .
3 We walked together over to the cottage .
4 She did n't believe me when I said I was sure it was because she was n't taking the carriage far enough over to the right , clearing the pattern selector .
5 The university teacher in Britain , thinking of producing a tape-slide sequence to explain a particular concept or process to his students , may well need only to consider , with a production assistant , the learning objectives , the structure of the process to be considered , the best ways to exemplify this in the photographs to be taken , the graphics to design , and the commentary to write , and then turn it all over to the producer to put into effect , with his guidelines and help .
6 Went to the Country Dancing Club , used to go all over to the Country Dances
7 It is all over for the present . ’
8 Can he rise again , or is it all over for the Moses who led the Labour Party out of the wilderness , asks James Langton
9 He had thought it was all over for the Bookman and that the acid had not worked .
10 The dug-over , weed-free site should be consolidated by raking and treading down all over with the heels .
11 They burn all over with the heat and feel hotter than their temperature would justify .
12 1 Peel the pears and rub them all over with the cut side of the lemon .
13 You must know foreign languages , you 've been all over with the Army , 'ave n't you ? ’
14 He even managed to compliment Dawn Allenby on the silk headscarf , printed all over with the heads of Scottie dogs , which she wore twisted into a turban about her dark hair .
15 Brush all over with the remaining apricot glaze .
16 Turn the cake on to its long side and brush all over with the apricot glaze .
17 Secure the cakes together with a little apricot glaze and brush all over with the remaining glaze .
18 THEY thought it was all over at the BBC 21 years ago when they switched off the most famous football commentating voice of all , Kenneth Wolstenholme .
19 So a sudden death play-off was required to settle the matter and it was almost all over at the 19th hole .
20 She went hot all over at the thought , too upset to understand that she had only escaped his hold because he had let her .
21 it was all over at the start of the second half … it took Millwall just 17 seconds and ten touches to win the game …
22 Even with more time lost , it was all over before the last hour .
23 And we 'd squared it up once before because there was wires hanging all over from the sp not from the radio , from the speakers .
24 It seemed all over in the 63rd minute when Clough , a few yards outside the penalty area , volleyed a headed clearance instantly into the roof of the net before Hardwick could move a muscle .
25 Though I must admit , we 'll be glad when it 's all over in the Far East and they can come back safe and sound . ’
26 The collapse of the Empire in 1814 and the fall of Napoleon I brought about a dispersal of the Imperial House and although the return of Napoleon from Elba in 1815 led to a restoration of the family fortunes , it was all over in the Hundred Days .
27 My charm wins them all over in the end .
28 Personal communications services are bursting out all over in the US and three Baby Bells this week announced plans for trials of new services .
29 His tools were all over in the cafeteria , there had to be something that he could use to open himself up .
30 It was all over in the 10th .
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