Example sentences of "[adv] taken [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The truth is , few people believe that revelations are going to be made to them in dreams — and even on the rare occasions that an individual really felt a dream was of overwhelming " significance " , the so-called dream-books could only taken in the most gullible .
2 There was even a smudgy photograph , apparently taken at a party , which showed them together over the canapes .
3 The claim was consistent with other measures apparently taken by the elder Kim to secure the succession of his son , including the appointment in December of Kim Jong Il as Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces .
4 Acting for a buyer , look closely — do n't accept a seller 's facile inclusion of such a covenant , perhaps taken from an unsuitable precedent .
5 However , even if the L.G.U. was left wondering if it should n't have kept the public better informed , it must have been greatly heartened by the number of spectators who not only came to this out-of-the-way championship but made it abundantly clear that they were greatly taken with the high standard of play .
6 These differing responses , the fundamental cause of most of the wars of history , were not necessarily taken with a knowledge of the effect that they would ultimately have , for at the relevant time the choice would not have been as clear to those making them , as it would be to minds educated to standards prevailing centuries later .
7 All of this activity has meant that aircraft and artefact restoration has necessarily taken to the back-burner , but , to quote one of the volunteers : ‘ no building , no aircraft in the long term ’ .
8 Our lodging was not free , as it was for our service colleagues ; we paid one guinea a week , and five shillings for transport ( which we could scarcely avoid ) , and a fixed regular sum for meals necessarily taken in the canteen at B.P. Nor did we receive travel warrants for our three-monthly seven-day leaves ; and in those days when civilian travel was frowned upon we had no uniform to prove that our journey was really necessary .
9 That fruit , impetuously taken in the Garden , brought untold ruin .
10 But I was especially taken with the single ‘ White Bird 's Egg ’ , a pure white with faint pink spots .
11 But I do remember Sterland giving an interview before the final saying that he was basically taken to the cleaners by the boy .
12 Even Abraham Farrar , pointed out by oralists as the most exalted example of their method of teaching , showed concern that oralism was being carried to too great an extreme at the expense of education but this concern fell on ‘ deaf ’ ears of those in teaching establishments though perhaps not that of Dr. Eichholz the Government inspector for the overseeing of deaf education , as the two extracts opposite taken from the logbook of the Hugh Bell School , Middlesbrough , show .
13 There were also several coloured photographs of the villa ‘ La Felicità ’ ; all taken from a low angle , so that it seemed to tower against the sky ; a place where the owners might appear on the battlements to a flourish of trumpets and a cry of heralds .
14 Her eggs all taken by a hedgehog !
15 The pages were mottled with brown stains and there were numerous photographs , obviously taken by an amateur .
16 The proliferation of this literature has so simplified going into our wilderness areas that readers are literally taken by the hand .
17 And yet he had promised Skelton he would look at some land around Loweswater , and announced that he was so taken with the district he had a mind to settle in it — a statement which brought Miss Skelton to a blush-brink of applause .
18 Two-year old bantam hen Betty was so taken by a pair of new-born Jack Russell pups , she decided to take them under her wing .
19 So taken by the Cardus pictures in words , Simon took it upon himself to visit the famous school and ‘ the most beautiful playing fields in the world . ’
20 So taken by the Cardus pictures in words , Simon took it upon himself to visit the famous school and ‘ the most beautiful playing fields in the world . ’
21 He had been much taken with a small low-growing Kalmia at Whitton — from Pennsylvania so the Duke of Argyll had told him — but did not specifically request it .
22 Marvell is so much taken with the love he has of nature he even proposes to cut out the names of the trees in their own bark , as opposed to the names of lovers .
23 Fabia exclaimed , instantly very much taken with the idea .
24 The speaker was much taken by the Lesothans .
25 James , who would in 1932 , publish a biography of Cipriani , was much taken by the personality of this man who , with his organised labour movement posed a real threat to the colonial authorities .
26 Best taken aboard the boats Growler and Mariner 11 at 7 lb .
27 Crisis decisions are best taken at the centre .
28 She made exhaustion into a political virility symbol , and was foolishly critical of those who did not believe that decisions were best taken in a state of prostration . ’
29 • There is some evidence that high-protein foods ( fish , meat , etc. ) and caffeine-containing drinks ( coffee , tea ) are best taken in the morning and that a light snack rich in carbohydrates ( fruit juice and dessert ) is best for supper ; caffeine-containing drinks should be avoided just before sleep .
30 There is no need to become over-anxious about the subject of diet for the elderly.We simply need to keep a careful eye on things , to see that they are eating a good variety of food which includes plenty of protein , dairy products and fresh fruit and vegetables , together with some roughage , which is often best taken in the form of a bran cereal , and which will , in many cases , completely eliminate the problem of constipation and ease that of piles .
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