Example sentences of "[adv] been [adj] in " in BNC.

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1 Local elections confirmed the trend and their historian has interpreted them as showing that " by 1913 , the Conservatives had rarely been stronger in the Councils of the land , or indeed more poised for success in the forthcoming general election " .
2 Lorraine did her doctorate work in the Department of Geography and has since been involved in the Department of Environmental Health and Housing on designing a hazard index for litter ( sponsored by the Tidy Britain Group ) .
3 Paul wondered if he had perhaps been remiss in his lectures with all that had happened ; but it was not that , as it turned out .
4 Hedley Byrne was considering a substantial advertising programme for a customer which previously had only been involved in limited programmes .
5 At the root of the problem were the Scottish campaigns of 1480–2 , which had not only been expensive in themselves but had brought continuing expenditure on defence , notably through the acquisition of Berwick .
6 At the root of the problem were the Scottish campaigns of 1480–2 , which had not only been expensive in themselves but had brought continuing expenditure on defence , notably through the acquisition of Berwick .
7 Though he had gone through the motions of caring she saw now with the painful wisdom of hindsight that , despite all his assurances of love and respect for her , he had really only been interested in his own pleasure , pursuing it with all the subtlety of a bulldozer .
8 They had not only been active in discussion among themselves , but had become a source of commentary about the state of the nation .
9 Lead-free petrol has of course only been popular in recent years .
10 Managers in schools have long been involved in the management of change of various kinds and at various levels — particularly in relation to the curriculum or elements of it .
11 He has long been involved in teaching but how does he feel about music education in schools today ?
12 Unlike the provincial businessmen represented by Cobden , the financiers of the City of London had long been intimate in the aristocratic circles that dominated Westminster and Whitehall .
13 Tools of this kind have long been available in the industry .
14 Both were directed towards the formalist reading of literary texts , and some anglophone academics tried to minimize the strangeness of French imports by saying that la nouvelle critique was only offering a new version of what had long been familiar in the Anglo-American academy .
15 He called the heron a ‘ crane ’ , for real cranes , sacred birds to the Celts , have long been extinct in Ireland .
16 Charles had long been interested in architecture — he had grown up with beautiful buildings and visited hundreds more all over the world ; he had read extensively on the subject and , by the very nature of the job , had seen a multitude of buildings , especially in the inner cities , that not only looked ghastly , but that people clearly found ghastly to live in .
17 I have long been interested in military technology so I was determined to attend the presentation .
18 Sociologists had long been interested in why many working-class pupils did not do as well as middle-class children at school .
19 NCR Corp has long been interested in offering a high degree of fault-tolerance on its computers , and its final line of mainframes , the 9800s , were claimed to be fault-tolerant .
20 The Magistrate had long been interested in Lucy but not because Cupid had at last managed to lodge an arrow in his stony heart .
21 Fortunately for him Kennedy had long been interested in British politics , and included Churchill among his heroes .
22 Zapp is the supreme professional , who embodies , albeit comically , those ideals of professionalism that have long been dominant in the North American academy and are becoming so in the British .
23 She came from a prominent Bristol family of nonconformists and industrialists , where her father had long been active in the abolitionist movement .
24 Job evaluation has long been popular in the private sector as a way of formally assessing the relative value of different jobs — and it is frequently used as a basis for deciding pay .
25 But in fairness to Bunce , who plays for Auckland , he has long been resident in New Zealand and had no thoughts of international rugby until approached by Western Samoa , whose 26-strong World Cup squad included only one player still living in the country .
26 ‘ I met with it ’ , Gould recalled , ‘ in various parts of New South Wales , and on the plains of the interior , still it is by no means abundant , and persons who had long been resident in the colony knew little about it .
27 But then , those few of Elise 's men friends whom Merrill had met had all been charismatic in one way or another .
28 One thing I can be certain of is that we have all been involved in rows , misunderstandings and quarrels .
29 The various people mentioned , such as Ned and Barley , had all been involved in the operation in one way or another .
30 Edinburgh , Glasgow , and London ( particularly Imperial College ) universities have all been involved in major research projects in this area , although the major structural problems had been elucidated in 1906 by scientists from the then Geological Survey of Scotland ( Peach and others .
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