Example sentences of "[adv] as they had " in BNC.

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1 Then , just as suddenly as they had grabbed at his throat , the hands released his windpipe and the weight lifted off him .
2 And then , as suddenly as they had appeared , they vanished .
3 Her tears dried as suddenly as they had appeared .
4 They were gone as suddenly as they had come .
5 As suddenly as they had begun , the two men disengaged , as though some unspoken signal had passed between them , and resumed their wary circling .
6 Though it is mistaken to suppose that the British made no effort to leave the Masai better than they found them , it is clear that their potential emergence from the colonial period much as they had entered it was something their administrators could in the end accept with equanimity .
7 Problems of access and transport remained until the 1750s much as they had for centuries , the roads miry and troublesome in winter , the tidal river valleys well-nigh impassable .
8 ( c. 1 ) Writing shortly after Charles 's death , he believed that a new generation of both kings and nobles could preserve the realm so long as they had the right personal qualities .
9 He said the Government had failed to understand the depth of feeling amongst unionists , especially as they had to share the council chamber with Sinn Fein .
10 He said how much his parents were looking forward to meeting Liza , especially as they had always wanted a daughter .
11 The movies could not hope to escape , especially as they had accumulated a mass audience in one great swoop that bypassed the schools , the churches , the charities , and all the other traditional agencies of cultural influence .
12 Liverpool get a penalty — ‘ suprise suprise ’ ( especially as they had a pen against them during the week , one of very few no doubt ) .
13 She longed to say it to his face , but somehow she could n't quite bring herself to do so , especially as they had just agreed to try to bring about a better working relationship .
14 The school parties stuck as rigidly together as they had done upon Victoria Station , lacking only their uniforms and labels , disastrously hampered by lack of space .
15 Fierce local loyalties and rivalries were the life-blood of the amateur football leagues just as they had been in parish recreations a century before , and this carried over into commercial spectator sport , which offered a new kind of community life and identity .
16 The only inconvenience of the original interior was that the bedrooms all led into one another ( just as they had always done in houses past : passages were only deemed essential when the segregation of servants became the norm in the eighteenth century ) ; but this was overcome by making a gallery and rearranging the staircase .
17 The mouth of the river seemed ten times its normal width , while about half a mile out to sea hundreds of trees stood upright , supported by their enormous roots , just as they had been carried down in the flood .
18 Although still on the top floor , they now had lifts , or rather elevators , to take them up and once inside the dressing-room each Girl had her own mirror well lit by bulbs surrounding three sides just as they had seen in the films .
19 After several such pairings , the dogs learned to salivate to the music just as they had previously salivated to the food .
20 In the Balkans the arrival of capitalist modes of production as the gift of foreign nationals provoked — just as they had in Poland — a rise in Bosnian and Serbian nationalism .
21 Although the Poles could have exercised a military option in the north just as they had done in Silesia , by this time their involvement in a war against the infant Soviet state , over territories and borders in the eastern provinces , made this a logistical impossibility .
22 Just as they had done on May Day , the anti-Communist demonstrators who marched across Red Square , after the official parade , left Gorbachev in no doubt as to his own unpopularity and that of his regime .
23 The rumours killed Rachel Jackson before hubby took office , just as they had killed his 1824 presidential bid .
24 But with the tide of war now running against the Allies , many of the natives decided to join the winning side , just as they had in Dutch Timor the previous winter .
25 It had taken a war to do that , Vi realized ; though she would n't mind betting that on the day peace came , all the caring would end and people would go back to minding their own business again , just as they had before it started .
26 England defender Pallister was then handed the responsibility of keeping United in continental competition but , just as they had failed in a penalty shoot-out against Videoton in the Cup Winners ' Cup in 1985 , so they were again to be engulfed in misery .
27 But in the short run , as John Donne observed , men lived and believed just as they had before .
28 Dealers would scream down the blower : " Did you see The Sunday Times last week Sir ? " knowing that he would probably have missed the relevant bit , just as they had .
29 The androids had killed her sister , just as they had almost killed her .
30 However , just as they had formerly worked to obtain their fortune , so also the nouveaux riches were obliged to employ material goods to assert their social pretensions .
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