Example sentences of "[adv] as i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The temptation must be resisted as firmly and valiantly as I have resisted the other , more obvious , more sensual lures and snares .
2 No , My Lords , I entirely disagree with the Noble Lord er furthermore as I 've already said we 're talking the builders site not the library in today 's question .
3 Soon , clouds spilled over Carn Dearg and it darkened suddenly as I ascended the mountain .
4 Much as I regard them as a social nuisance on a par with the Orange Walk and invented by the devil to prevent churchgoers getting to church on time , I can not claim that marathons have ( yet ) been proved to kill enough people to justify banning them .
5 " Much as I dislike being the bearer of bad news … " it began .
6 Much as I loathe using the term ‘ chops ’ , you possess them in abundance .
7 I thought then that , much as I longed to see him , it might be as well to start hoping he would n't come back until I could truthfully tell him there would be no baby .
8 Much as I esteem you , I will not manipulate events for your personal gratification . ’
9 much as I miss you
10 Much as I like my Barbour , I have to admit it is not a safe colour and wear a reflective Sam Browne belt in poor weather .
11 Much as I like the idea , I do n't think your parents would be best pleased would they ? ’
12 Much as I like to believe a man can have sex with any woman and enjoy it , it just does n't stand the test . ’
13 ’ She told it to them much as I 'd told her myself .
14 Much as I hope this will never occur , all that would happen is that the patient would either open his eyes and come completely out of the hypnotic state , or that he might doze for some ten or fifteen minutes before waking as if from a nap in an armchair .
15 Much as I had enjoyed ‘ my Soviet adventure ’ it was good to be back in an English-speaking land again .
16 While I was afflicted with serious English composition and English literature , I was reading Scott , Fenimore Cooper , Henty , and the travellers , because I loved them ; I was also thinking and talking in a manner which owed little to those dignified exercises , though the day was to come when I spoke very much as I wrote
17 ‘ My darling girl , ’ he said , ‘ much as I hate the idea , we must stop this .
18 As the Daily Express noted : ‘ Much as I disliked this film and its cheap exploitation of suffering and illness , I must concede that it has been made with the dead-on professionalism that is characteristic of the other ‘ Carry Ons . ’ ’
19 Much as I sympathise with the plaintiffs , it would , in my opinion , be extending the implications based on the maxim … to an unreasonable extent if it were held that what has been done in this case was a breach of an implied obligation .
20 Much as I admire the French , nothing can compare with being back home in good old Blighty .
21 Much as I admire a great deal of Ken Worpole 's contributions to discussion on alternative methods of arts funding — his and Geoff Mulgan 's ‘ Saturday Night , Sunday Morning ’ was an invaluable piece of work — his thoughts ( almost gleeful I thought ) on the problems of civic buildings ( MT May ) were shot through with the baby-out-with-the-bathwater conclusions which seem to be endemic in much new times and new Left thinking on the arts generally .
22 Much as I admire your unstructured lifestyle , on the evidence of the knees in those jeans I 'd think twice before I traded bank accounts with you . ’
23 Much as I wanted to read the good news on my walk home from the newspaper shop , I was forced to concentrate on my footing on broken and delapidated pavements , strewn with take-away food rubbish , wrappings of all kinds , and collections of weeds , heaps of dog dirt and drinks cans .
24 But David had always worked by himself , so I had got used to the idea that I would never play with him , much as I wanted to .
25 What happens there is that a ‘ really gay ’ reading of Coward is put into play , much as I have already done with Brief Encounter , but on the grounds that a homosexual writer can only write about homosexuality ( analogous cases would be the insistence that Edward Albee 's Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf is ‘ really ’ about a gay couple , or that Tennessee Williams 's Blanche Dubois is nothing but a transposed drag queen ) .
26 Much as I feel now at your damned silly question !
27 ‘ Well , then , ’ he went on , ‘ much as I enjoy looking at the top of your head , I did ask a question .
28 This put heart into me , because in all the years that followed I came increasingly to believe that the genuine radicals were neither the ‘ philosophical radicals ’ ( much as I admired J. S. Mill , and have even found good in Bentham ) nor the Fabian radicals , the socialists or social democrats , but the kind of conservative radicals of whom Cobbett was perhaps the earliest example .
29 Much as I admired Bob Payton and his unequivocal standards , I had also felt I was in too important a position .
30 Much as I tried to break in several times , they always caught me and would n't let me in to see the poor people travelling .
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