Example sentences of "[adv] had in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What he obviously had in mind was the manoeuvre carried out by horsemen displaying their skill at a gymkhana .
2 The suburbs he especially had in mind were the opulent , tree-lined jobs of Victorian England .
3 By the time of this conference on 21 May , the immediate future of one of the six formations listed above had in fact already been determined .
4 Spain was a large producer of wine and olive oil , which the EC already had in abundance .
5 Their work was made easier by the procedures Cornwall SSD already had in place .
6 The plan which Henry still had in mind was for his eldest son to take all of those lands which he himself had inherited from his father and mother , i.e. Anjou , Maine , Normandy and England , while Richard should have the land which he had acquired by virtue of his marriage to Eleanor .
7 Ken and I both went to music lessons and the first interest I ever had in music was the teacher at the school .
8 Some of them do it sheepishly , and with reluctance and say , It 's never what I ever had in mind .
9 They usually had in addition the right to gather firewood which could be collected without the use of an edged instrument , and in some cases the right to take housebote and haybote under the supervision of the foresters and verderers .
10 They also had in mind that the platform could be removed , leaving the warehouse in substantially the same state as it was before it was installed .
11 It is evident that the prosecuting authorities also had in mind to prosecute the applicant for implication in some of Mr. Turner 's offences , but a decision was taken in 1988 , and communicated to the applicant 's solicitors , that proceedings would be put back until after the B.M.F.L. trial .
12 Further council documents show that the appropriate department and the council itself had in mind the ‘ effect of traffic attraction to the site upon the environment in the approach roads , ’ but also had in mind ‘ the employment potential of the use proposed in the planning application . ’
13 Waite J. also recorded that Dr. N. , a consultant paediatrician and paediatric cardiologist with another London teaching hospital who had been consulted by the Official Solicitor , was broadly in agreement with Dr. I. The judge no doubt also had in mind the report of Dr. R. , who had confirmed all Dr. I. 's findings , but had not in terms expressed a view on the appropriateness of positive pressure ventilation .
14 I also had in mind the terms of section 39 of the Act of 1987 .
15 Now I also had in mind something along these lines … ’
16 By the time I left , I 'd beaten him down to about twice the price he probably had in mind .
17 They probably had in mind , too , the concern of the pope-demonstrated in his letters and by his emissaries — to restore peace to the realm so that the king might proceed on crusade .
18 And I think this is behind I made some adverse comment about the Prime Minister 's comment about the burden of the old — to be fair , I think one of the problems she probably had in mind was the fact not of the immediate peak of elderly people , but the peak in the twenty/twenties where the full impact of the erm pension scheme that we 've got will hit with a considerably older population — can we afford it ?
19 The ‘ old friend ’ to which he referred and which Van Gelder clearly had in mind , was the Meltemi wind , referred to as the ‘ Etesian ’ in the British sailing directions .
20 She even claims to be the government 's science policy coordinator — a role we should n't attach too much weight too , according to Mrs Thatcher , who once told New Scientist off for inflating this part of her job beyond what she really had in mind .
21 NUMEROSO : Before we go on , Unesco , could you tell us what you really had in mind when you proposed this experiment ?
22 One much-remarked upon feature was the extent to which students now had in mind future career chances .
23 I rather like the Nimbus set , despite the generous acoustics and the occasional technical frailty , as not only has one the inestimable benefit of hearing the music shaped , balanced , and paced in a way that at least approximates the sort of thing Schubert originally had in mind , but they all sound as though they 're having such a jolly good time ( one palls at the though of all those ghastly , poe-faced Schubert records which litter the catalogue ) .
24 They say they 'd appreciate knowing what I originally had in mind , so they can see if it still sounds suitable .
25 This was in part due to Reginald Birch 's illustrations which kept the boy always in black velvet and lace , even when he was riding his pony , and in part to the intense relationship between mother and son ; Mrs Burnett here had in mind herself and her son Vivian , upon whom Fauntleroy himself was modelled .
26 Night patrols over the front sometimes had in sight the lights both of their own base and of enemy airhelds , glowing in the distance as if the soil had been smeared with phosphorus .
27 This appears to be an accurate assessment of the fact that although joining high speed roads almost always feels dangerous there had in fact been relatively few accidents recorded at that site in the three year period studied .
28 He undoubtedly had in mind the particular patterns and balanced relationship of the various dances ( i.e. solos , grands pas , variations , etc. ) as laid out in all Petipa ballets and he made the ballerina the focus of all attention .
29 When Dauberval defined what he meant by dances of character he undoubtedly had in mind some easily recognised characters of the commedia dell'arte , whose actors regularly played such roles as the absent-minded doctor or scientist , miser , termagant wife or widow and various clowns such as the sad Pierrot or zany clown .
30 There had always been more in common between the front benches than either had in common with their followers in the country .
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