Example sentences of "[adv] from [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 In so doing I depart somewhat from studies of working-class involvement in the formal political sphere during the twentieth century .
2 So , ironically , while we prayed that rain would not blight our sale , we worked to help those who suffer so terribly from lack of rain .
3 His choice is made entirely from drawings of the prospective children .
4 Thus the structure of spoken sentences need not have derived entirely from combination of words that had replaced single gesture types .
5 The editing problem is that this particular group of shots ends with the boat 's abrupt departure — we go suddenly from shots of the men at work to one in which the boat is already in motion : in effect , we have a jump-cut , and your task as editor is to find some way of bridging the gap in the action .
6 Not content to let surgeons perform unguided , she remains conscious to give instructions and read aloud from books of psychoanalysis .
7 The Northumbrian regnal list gives Aldfrith a reign of twenty years and Bede correspondingly assigned him a reign from 685 to 705 ( HE IV , 26 ; V , 18 ) , but Bede also knew , perhaps from knowledge of a more precise regnal figure , that Aldfrith really reigned nineteen years ( HE V , 1 ) and died before the end o his twentieth regnal year ( HE V , 18 ) .
8 In 437 one of the last pagan aristocrats allowed himself to be converted on his deathbed by his conspicuously pious niece , perhaps from fear of less gentle pressure from the emperor .
9 … female friendship represented for most women simply a rapturous sentimental union , springing perhaps from fear of male aggression or neglect but fed primarily by yearning for a partner in sensibility , a confidante in literature .
10 In addition , criticism of DCF is often not separated clearly enough from criticism of accounting return on investment ( ROI ) .
11 In practice , therefore , the judge generally divines the object of a statute merely from perusal of its language , in the light of his knowledge of the previous law and general knowledge of social conditions .
12 As a common carrier , the NVOCC enters into contracts of affreightment with his shipper , issues his own bill of lading , and assumes full responsibility for the carriage not merely from port of shipment to port of discharge , but from the point of origin to point of destination .
13 As Figures 4–6 , above , show , the percentage of straightforward deliveries was uniformly high , irrespective of the location of the requested items , and ranged only from 95% of deliveries in the case of books from the Main Building and the Annexe , to 97% in the case of material from the Advocates ' Library .
14 Until 1971 , dolphin mortality could be estimated only from analyses of vessels ' logbooks — and the figures are probably underestimates .
15 Native gels , circular dichroism spectra and differential scanning calorimetry ( C. M. Johnson , personal communication ) of purified mutant proteins show that the mutations have little or no effect on the stability and folding of the dimers , suggesting that changes in binding affinity result only from elimination of the intended intermolecular contacts .
16 On the basis of this evidence , it has been suggested that poverty is the primary cause of the failure to seek legal advice , and it has been proposed that the failure is due to a lack of ‘ legal competence ’ among the less affluent who suffer not only from lack of money , but also from lack of influence , lack of energy and lack of awareness .
17 Mannyng invites an emotional identification with the event to give rise to a spiritual act : In the full translation by Nicholas Love , the whole story of the Incarnation integrated with comment from Patristic sources ( and especially from Bernard of Clairvaux ) was schematised into sections for meditation through the week .
18 In addition , there are international forces at work arising especially from membership of the European Community .
19 This is , in a more mathematical form , the signal extraction problem discussed earlier : how to work out the values of and separately from knowledge of .
20 The problem generally classified as ‘ shirking ’ also extends to incompetence , since if the shareholders are for practical purposes unable to replace management the company may suffer from inept leadership quite separately from questions of managerial diligence .
21 In doing so , they replace debate with assertion , and pull an essay away from patterns of reasoned argument .
22 Although the White Paper claims the government has " a long standing policy of keeping roads away from Sites of Special Scientific Interest " , a Friends of the Earth critique points out that this " rhetoric is not born out when the implications of the Department of Transport roads programme are examined " .
23 National figures show a marked shift away from consumption of alcohol in pubs and clubs and towards consumption at home , as demonstrated in the following table :
24 I have perhaps strayed away from matters of industry .
25 My old dream , he wrote : get away from agony of background-foreground and from the over-assertiveness usually involved in destruction of that relationship .
26 It is now , perhaps , fitting to turn away from stories of poverty and squalor , for although sickness and misery abounded and early death a commonplace of everyday existence , there were , in fact , social developments of a positive nature in the parish .
27 Replacing the fuel pump with an electric pump such as a Facet as used on the Range Rover or SU as used on Jag XJ6 6 cylinder Land Rover and other vehicles will cure this annoying fault Route the pipes well away from sources of heat such as the exhaust and cooling systems
28 All networking cables are susceptible to electrical interference and should be located away from sources of this electrical ‘ pollution ’ .
29 The reason for this must be that one can hardly cause an explosion without realizing that one is about to do so , and that explosions usually create danger and must be known to do so , unless they are carefully controlled in an area away from members of the public .
30 Although the tapes had been in the possession of the Walsh investigating team for some time , their significance concerning Fiers had apparently surfaced only recently when the investigators turned their attention away from members of the administration of former President Ronald Reagan in favour of concentrating on the connection between senior CIA officials and the Iran-contra affair .
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