Example sentences of "[adv] by a new " in BNC.

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1 All this was swept away by a new principle which was introduced in the early part of the nineteenth century , namely , that a local authority could not carry out any function unless strictly authorised by statute .
2 The next examination was scheduled for April , to be followed shortly by a new intake .
3 In May 1981 Sheffield City Council set up the country 's first Employment Committee , serviced directly by a new council department .
4 Pop stars , film stars , comedians , flagging old rockers , are all now united as never before by a new role — giving money to worthy causes .
5 With the SE and II came a greater respect for the Macintosh as an alternate system — partially spurred on by Apple 's own PC drive which can read and write IBM format disks , partially by a new wave of software .
6 Jack had n't felt bad about that either , for their relationship was too close to be threatened , even by a new baby .
7 And so the multifaceted style of Elgar 's own readings was absorbed directly or indirectly by a new generation of interpreters — many of them non-British — and the way they painted the music in all its aspects struck a new chord with modern listeners .
8 And so , drawing together the threads of this obsessive preoccupation with the civility of ‘ Old England ’ which had been ripped apart by a new strain of hot-blooded and un-English violence , the Old Thunderer arrived at a truly horrific conclusion : ‘ Our streets are actually not as safe as they were in the days of our grandfathers .
9 Once again , it 's flagging below a level which would give him confidence for London , yet his form over shorter distances has been good , highlighted recently by a new course record of 38:20 at the Thorney 12K in Peterborough .
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