Example sentences of "[adv] by [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 In the Collembola and Diplura all the antennal segments except the last contain intrinsic muscles , the antenna grows postembryonically by division of the terminal segment and Johnston 's organ ( p. 129 ) is absent .
2 Eric of Mallion , which forms a connection between those early pathfinders and the dogs we know better by virtue of their being crowned as champions .
3 Rather , it is entirely by virtue of the sign in question that we distinguish a class of objects trees from other objects such as bushes , etc .
4 Few people are offended today , as they were in the last century , by the thought of man and the chimpanzee being classified together by virtue of a common ancestor which has been extinct for probably more than three million years !
5 At this stage , the translator need only be aware that there are different devices in different languages for creating ‘ texture ’ and that a text hangs together by virtue of the semantic and structural relationships that hold between its elements .
6 Tested together by observation of chosen pixels in a displayed image .
7 Social Integration of Incomers and Shetlanders is held to be the aim , and an achievable aim : achievable especially by dispersal of housing ( DDP : 28 ) .
8 It is safe to say that thousands of social workers are at the moment carrying such cases among their caseloads and are working on them : in some cases very efficiently , in others perhaps hampered somewhat by lack of understanding of the implications .
9 Consequently , their partly decomposed forms — peat — can not contain much by way of those nutrients that are required by higher plant forms like roses .
10 If Soviet equipment is not always of an adequate standard , Western equipment is often over-sophisticated for Soviet purposes , demanding much by way of supporting technologies which in the USSR simply do not exist .
11 Dozens of scholars have tackled it , without achieving much by way of agreement .
12 The two women had not been able to help much by way of descriptions apart from recounting details of the horrific masks the burglars wore and that one appeared to be rather thin ( the one with the broken leg ) .
13 He moved round the room — in so far as it was possible in such cramped quarters — glad to he relieved momentarily of desk work but perhaps by way of indicating that the interview must be conducted as if we were both on the move ; and this meant that certain remarks were addressed to the window or the mantelpiece .
14 How Theda kept her countenance throughout the drive home she never knew , but somehow , perhaps by dint of dwelling on the attention paid her by Finchingfield and Tiverton , she managed to divert Rose from the dangerous topic of Lady Usk 's strange conduct .
15 Other PLO sources speculated that the assassinations might have been commissioned by the Israeli security service Mossad , perhaps by infiltration of the Abu Nidal group .
16 Canon by inversion is not as easy to follow as normal imitation , and perhaps by reason of this obscurity it has been favoured by composers in this century — or at least by those who prefer obscurity to clarity .
17 The one- off payment could be increased to £300 , with an alternative rate of £400 for those wishing to contribute four yearly instalments of £100 , perhaps by Deed of Covenant .
18 Crime and tort relate closely as well , not only obviously by virtue of the same facts giving rise to different legal consequences but also , more interestingly , since the corning into effect of s. 35 of the Powers of the Criminal Courts Act 1973 , by virtue of the criminal courts pre-empting the civil courts in the matter of compensation , perhaps even in circumstances where no private right of action otherwise obtains .
19 At Cambridge , the ordinary degree is Bachelor of Arts ( B A ) , which is converted to a Master 's degree merely by payment of the requisite fee .
20 ‘ You ca n't have seen much of your brother , ’ she commented , merely by way of conversation .
21 While Ambrose earns wickets for his colleagues merely by dint of his presence at the other end , one timely intrusion at Chelmsford dispelled any notions of sloth .
22 Loyalty had to be reaffirmed each time it was required ; it could not be assumed merely by reason of inhabiting a particular locality .
23 A mortgagee is not , in our judgment , to be deprived of a contractual or equitable right to add costs to the security merely by reason of an order for payment of costs made without reference to the mortgagee 's contractual or equitable rights and without any adjudication as to whether or not the mortgagee should be deprived of those costs .
24 In a similar vein , Lord Moncrieff held in Robertson v Hall 's Trs ( 1896 ) 24R 120 ( at p134 ) : [ T ] his [ s 62(4) of SGA 1979 ] is in effect a statutory declaration that a pledge of , or other security over moveables , can not be created merely by completion of what professes to be a contract of sale .
25 ‘ Now if anything be certain it is this , that where there are general words in a later Act capable of reasonable and sensible application without extending them to subjects specifically dealt with by earlier legislation , you are not to hold that earlier and special legislation indirectly repealed , altered , or derogated from merely by force of such general words , without any indication of a particular intention to do so .
26 Energy has many forms — heat , electrical energy , mechanical energy , strain energy and so on — but it is not immediately clear that the surface of a solid has energy , merely by virtue of its existence as a surface .
27 On the one hand , a half-promise to save a new-born country , and to show that one lot of people may not dispossess another lot merely by virtue of being better armed ; on the other hand , a growing realisation that this could not be achieved without a fight in which an unknown number of young Europeans and Americans would be asked to die in the name of misty-sounding things like compassion and principle .
28 ( 4 ) For the purpose of determining whether a person occupying any land is in adverse possession of the land it shall not be assumed by implication of law that his occupation is by permission of the person entitled to the land merely by virtue of the fact that his occupation is not inconsistent with the latter 's present or future enjoyment of the land .
29 In effect the king was seeking to make wealth rather than feudal tenure the basis of military obligations , but he met much resistance , and for the final campaigns of his reign he relied upon appeals for voluntary paid service from all except those summoned personally by virtue of their tenure .
30 Young booksellers who would like to attend the conference but have been prevented from doing so by shortage of funds should contact the ICYB vice-president Debby Sutherland at Waterstones , Bath ( ) .
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