Example sentences of "[adv] by [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Maintaining the storage system would be the clear responsibility of the CSSU , ensuring quality in a number of ways , eg by chasing up holders of master files , by inserting new objects into files , and by making secondary copies of files and documents .
2 be ready to make informed guesses , and to correct themselves in the light of additional information , eg by reading ahead or looking back in the text ;
3 She might have made her point a lot better by picking up Mouse and dumping him in the garbage can — instead she responded with violence that was really out of proportion to Mouse 's attack .
4 You can feel the grip more and you can control the bike a lot better by forcing down on the peg when the rear steps out . ’
5 Indeed , one planning department achieves its objective of supplying business information to the rest of the company almost entirely by searching online .
6 Example If you have a paragraph on irony in Conrad 's " Heart of Darkness " , a paragraph on characterisation and a paragraph on narrative closure , you could try to link them together by talking more generally about the abstract relationship between irony , characterisation and narrative closure .
7 When he was prime minister , this meant holding the Motherland Party together by playing off its various factions against each other .
8 This point was made even clearer in a later case involving the Chief Justice , in which he stated that a ‘ breach of the Act or the Code did not mean that any statement made by a defendant after such breach would necessarily by ruled out .
9 It has to work through the agency of its possessors , and especially by picking out the weak points of their characters — possessiveness in Bilbo , fear in Frodo , patriotism in Boromir , pity in Gandalf .
10 They can reproduce vegetatively by budding off asexually to form daughter polyps in the same manner as a plant grows .
11 Release the anger now — perhaps by writing down what happened , and how you felt .
12 There may still be some possibilities , however , perhaps by filling as much of the waking day as possible with exhausting and demanding activity to reduce the time which can be given to introspection .
13 Of course five yawns would justify one in administering the Countercheck Quarrelsome — perhaps by saying how much you admire the person 's handsome tonsils .
14 Next year , it could make four or five , and you can then decide whether to push it gently by taking out three stems , or harder by removing four or more .
15 The team of non-professional drivers reached the high point of 109 mpg and a low of 94 mpg , merely by accelerating smoothly , braking gently , and switching off the engine in traffic jams .
16 Fertility is not restored merely by putting down chemical plant nutrients or fertilizers , neither is one component more vital than any other .
17 We need only recognize that history is a method with no distinct object corresponding to it to reject the equivalence between the notion of history and the notion of humanity which some have tried to foist on us with the unavowed aim of making historicity the last refuge of a transcendental humanism : as if men could regain the illusion of liberty on the plane of the ‘ we ’ merely by giving up the ‘ I 's that are too obviously wanting in consistency .
18 They may contrast deictics like here and there , for instance , but they may do so by using here to signal transfers of possession-'Here' , said as a child hands a toy to a parent ; and there to signal completion — ‘ There ! ’ as the last block is placed on a tower ( e.g. , Clark and Sengul , 1978 ) .
19 Rather , it is an unconscious , gentle process whereby people who want to be loving attempt to be so by telling little white lies , by withholding some of the truth about themselves and their feelings in order to avoid conflict .
20 We can certainly make some progress towards doing so by peeling away the gender-drama from the conflicts of ideals in which it has often figured , and trying to see those conflicts in sex-neutral terms .
21 The fire-bellied toad normally prefers to remain hidden and its back is patterned and coloured in a way that enables it to do so by blending in with its surroundings .
22 So by studying how the life habits of living bivalves are reflected in the shapes of the shells we can make deductions about how the fossils lived .
23 In terms of proportions of votes cast at elections , the Official Unionists have recently regained the advantage but they have done so by becoming more and more like the DUP .
24 So by keeping out of the way and staying at sea he hoped to put himself right .
25 As we have seen , the Gospels were written to meet that need , so by examining carefully their contents we will gain an overall impression of the range of information which the early Christians deemed to be necessary for an adequate ongoing commitment to be made .
26 So by measuring just one substance we can work out the overall total salinity .
27 Virgin wants to make itself less vulnerable , and it thinks it can do so by offering even better service to more passengers flying to more places .
28 He did so by demonstrating conclusively that many of the most important diseases involved had virtually disappeared before the relevant medical innovations had occurred .
29 He has made himself so by resolving never to make the same mistake twice .
30 Only by knowing how the processor was constructed could you say whether that state signified anything .
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