Example sentences of "[adv] be [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The aim , in advertising , promotion and in providing visitor attractions at Edinburgh , should not merely be to increase visitor numbers ( a visit on a hot weekend in June will demonstrate the negative aspects of having too many people in our 60 acres of public space ) .
2 She listened to the Beatles on the radio ; it could only be to annoy Ken .
3 And he suggested that Saussure 's view of language meant that the ‘ logical continuation of structuralism can only be to rejoin literature , no longer as an ‘ object ’ of analysis , but as the activity of writing' ( 1970 : 413 ) .
4 Clearly , it is no use breaking the phosphate bond unless the ATP molecule is in just the right place ; otherwise the result would only be to heat things up .
5 Yet , when will he and others of like mentality realise that the first rule of the road must always be to give priority to unprotected people , whatever the circumstances ?
6 There is no logical reason why a person ought not to be allowed to represent another in order to protect that other 's individual interests , but in such a case the main function of representation would probably be to provide finance for the action rather than organizational efficiency ; and in most cases there is no reason why one person should not provide another with finance to enable that other to bring an action in his or her own name .
7 The teacher 's task will often be to help pupils to systematise knowledge which they already have or evidence which they collect , and to keep the focus clear .
8 The choice of sales and market forecasting method will — depend on a number of factors , including : a ) Forecasting objectives : within the context of this book , the objective of the forecasting process will mainly be to assist marketing planning and , as outlined in Chapter Seven , to co-ordinate operational and budgetary planning with anticipated levels of sales .
9 It was this which Donald Wilson studied , approved , and finally placed before David Whitaker , whose job it would now be to develop ideas into stories .
10 The first step should simply be to provide museum custodians and art historians .
11 The most fruitful procedure might well be to seek lines of explanation other than those associated with the notion of prestige .
12 Indeed , the net result may well be to consume resources without producing any improvement in more important but less readily quantifiable criteria of outcome .
13 Thirdly , and perhaps most importantly , to try to beat Ephron down to a lower price would surely be to heap dishonour on Sarah .
14 The second stage of the procedure would then be to regress C t on our estimate of given in equation ( 3.17 ) .
15 ( c ) by arguing that any subsequent inconsistent legislation was inadvertent , that the Westminster Parliament could not have intended to legislate in a manner conflicting with community obligations and that the " bounden duty of the courts would then be to give effect to community law " Macarthys v. Smith ( C.A. , 1979 ) .
16 The longer term result may therefore be to turn people away .
17 The strategic aim of marketing for a profit-oriented company should therefore be to identify market opportunities , in which :
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