Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Had n't you better be getting ready ? ’
2 Of a worship service in which no mention was made of Christ , the bible was not read , and no reference made to God 's dealings with the people of Israel or of the early church , we might well say that it was theistic ( if mention was made of God ) , but it could not rightly be called Christian .
3 We have already said , that of a liturgy in which no mention was made of Christ , we might hold that it was meaningful , even theistic , but that it could not rightly be called Christian .
4 ‘ Though it be not sense , as having nothing to do with external objects , yet it is very like it , and might properly enough be called internal sense ’ .
5 If you hire an exhibition space or organise an exhibition in your own home or a commercial or other space made available to you without charge , you will obviously be meeting all the costs involved yourself .
6 Their chief responsibility would henceforth be to protect national sovereignty and defend the country from external danger , while responsibility for internal security would pass to a new National Civilian Police ( PNC ) .
7 Successful applicants will be informed as soon as possible , but sometimes notification can only be given two or three days before sailing .
8 These possibilities exist because some of the meanings which human beings find in experience depend on symbols and can only be given symbolic expression .
9 ( 2 ) Where a document of title to goods has been lawfully transferred to any person as buyer or owner of the goods , and that person transfers the document to a person who takes it in good faith and for valuable consideration , then — ; ( a ) if the last-mentioned transfer was by way of sale the unpaid seller 's right of lien or retention or stoppage in transit is defeated ; and ( b ) if the last-mentioned transfer was made by way of pledge or other disposition for value , the unpaid seller 's right of lien or retention or stoppage in transit can only be exercised subject to the rights of the transferee . ’
10 And on the other side , subordinate groups have no other recourse than armed revolt if they are deprived of other means of exercising political rights ; or they may find themselves in a situation where their formal rights can only be made effective in practice by the use or threat of violence .
11 Their contribution is perceived as threefold : they were long-standing rivals of Gloucester , which virtually guaranteed a power struggle in 1483 ; the favour shown them by the king had made them unpopular with the rest of the Yorkist establishment ; and they were so closely identified with the young king , Edward V , that any limitation of their power could only be made permanent by his deposition .
12 Their contribution is perceived as threefold : they were long-standing rivals of Gloucester , which virtually guaranteed a power struggle in 1483 ; the favour shown them by the king had made them unpopular with the rest of the Yorkist establishment ; and they were so closely identified with the young king , Edward V , that any limitation of their power could only be made permanent by his deposition .
13 A team at Pittsburgh realised that the fact that a move need only be proven bad once could be the key to enormous time savings .
14 To do so would not only be to abandon deep-seated conceptions of justice and desert , but to abandon the conception of ‘ guilt ’ itself .
15 Threshed grain and other concentrate feeds must not only be kept dry , but also be protected from birds , mice , and rats .
16 If a relative wants to collect the ashes they can be collected or sent , but they will only be kept free for a time ( usually about a month ) — a charge will be made after that time .
17 There were a few diplomatic handshakes as the players left the field at the end , but it seemed a relief that an extra week lay between this Test match and the next , and it could only be hoped that work would continue behind the scenes to impress upon these cricketers , especially the more excitable ones , that the game does not deserve to be abused .
18 One member followed me around all day abusing me verbally with what can only be called dirty talk .
19 Their class origins , too , were rapidly fictionalised , but the notion of a sudden demotic invasion of polite letters can only be called extravagant .
20 If we examine the RNAs in a long succession of test-tubes , we see what can only be called evolutionary change .
21 If clinical depression represents impoverishment of the ego on a grand scale , then here we have it on a scale which can only be called grander still : that of an entire culture , a complete philosophy of life .
22 Scotch Whisky … the world 's leading natural drink … can only be called Scotch if it is distilled and matured in Scotland … a natural drink … distilled in a land of great natural beauty … it takes nothing from nature which nature will not readily replace .
23 Sometimes you may want to reach everyone on the list , but more often you will only be using certain sections or even picking out a dozen or so specialist outlets .
24 It had to be a success — she knew she would only be allowed one failure .
25 Maybe in the future , like the Chinese , we will only be allowed one child .
26 ‘ This theoretically realistic and humorous novel is not unlike The Waste Land , the showpiece of Modernism and Impersonality ’ — which gives the impression that the realistic and humorous can only be deemed compatible with impersonality if they can also be deemed theoretical , and that the novel may not be very funny .
27 It insists that paper can only be recycled four times before it disintegrates , and claims that if Scandinavia stopped producing primary fibre Europe would run out of paper in six months .
28 Now both had been swept away and under the new Act a debtor could only be adjudicated bankrupt on his creditor 's petition .
29 A two-thirds majority , as provided for in the constitution , would only be held necessary for constitutional changes and legislation affecting human and civil rights .
30 Savory argued that a stranger to whom money had been paid in breach of trust could only be held liable as a constructive trustee to account for the money after he had parted with it , if it could be shown that he knew the money misapplied was trust money .
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