Example sentences of "[adv] on [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 ( 3 ) The announcement must specify in what circumstances any irrevocable undertakings will cease to be binding ( eg on receipt of a higher offer ) .
2 If the interim payment was specifically assigned to one head of damage ( eg on account of nursing services or the cost of a specially modified bungalow for a quadraplegic ) there is no difficulty , and the note at para 29/11/2 of the 1993 White Book encourages the court to assign the payment to special damages to simplify the calculation of interest at trial .
3 The choice between them should thus rest entirely on simplicity of key — the piece as a whole with all its modulations and sectional key-changes being taken into consideration .
4 Attempts have been made to distinguish predation from scavenging ( Binford , 1981 ; Bunn , 1982 ; Shipman , 1983b , 1986 ) , but this work has been based entirely on analysis of large mammals ( Behrensmeyer , 1987 ) .
5 He was told : ‘ We try to keep the panelling for three years , to get it thoroughly seasoned while other wood is dried artificially if required before it has time to get seasoned … we use chiefly mahogany , oak and walnut , a vast amount of teak — one of the most useful woods in railway construction — sycamore ; yellow deal for partitions , roofs and floors ; elm we find of very little use , but we are now very partial to Padouk wood [ from South Australia ] , though the workmen do n't like it much on account of its toughness ’ .
6 The Jim Cannon gallery : Neil Everitt 's magnificent pictures show Jim in typically assertive action , in casual mood with manager Steve Coppell , and receiving his award from Terry Long on behalf of the Palace club , after he had passed Terry 's appearance record in the autumn of 1984 .
7 That was in keeping with the respect in which she is held for her tireless work , especially on behalf of the world 's children .
8 He reminded the Treasury that in 1856 he had made it a policy that all public buildings in London should be open to competition and not given as a matter of course to one of his officers , and if their Lordships did not want to hold another competition , they could well appoint the winner of the Foreign Office design , as the judges had selected the prize-winning schemes ‘ not only in regard to their external appearance , but more especially on account of the excellence of their internal arrangements ’ .
9 Successful applicants will be admitted to for one year and membership may be renewed annually on payment of further subscriptions .
10 An Audit Certificate annually on request of District Audit
11 A new right may be a right to make alterations to the building or sub-let it or ( perhaps on payment of a penalty ) to terminate the lease .
12 Indeed , by the time Lord Darlington had finally come round to bidding his guests rise and drink to ‘ peace and justice in Europe ’ , the level of such noises — perhaps on account of the liberal amounts of wine that had been consumed — struck me as bordering on the ill-mannered .
13 Johnson went into an apothecary 's with a prescription he filled out for himself ; on account of the Latin , and perhaps on account of his title , the chemist 's counter-hand took Dr Johnson for a medical man .
14 Wes followed me and watched as I opened the boot and laid Duke gently on top of my black working coat .
15 Her hand rested gently on top of his .
16 If you 've got clothes , your coats and dresses , and fold them over once , and then put them into a bag like that and we put them gently on top of the load , they come to no harm at all .
17 We obviously on top of that want to make sure who lives in the camps and see if they match our descriptions .
18 On April 19 the human rights organization Amnesty International called on the Amir to intervene personally on behalf of hundreds of people detained on suspicion of collaborating with the Iraqis who , it claimed , were still being held in " deplorable conditions " .
19 If it were mine and I wanted to make serious use of the bass , I 'd probably take the E and A drones off , as one could argue that they do n't do enough on top of the heavier bass strings , which might be better used for playing ‘ proper ’ bass lines .
20 If you would prefer to renew your licence starting a new period , rather than have a duplicate or replacement showing the same period as the original licence , you may do so on payment of the full licence fee .
21 So on top of the five shows and rehearsals every day at the Rex , they did another four at the Olympia and did not even receive double salaries but only one and a half .
22 So on top of the appalling poverty of Chinese rural life there is a very unequal distribution of land which means that some people are desperately poor compared with others .
23 His manner : so calm , so kind , so on top of things .
24 That , after all , is part of what we mean by ‘ professor ’ : x is so on top of his or her subject that he or she has something to profess , to convey , to teach .
25 But the US ( with the UK in tow ) shaped up for war with Iraq and steamed off to the Gulf to protect their own interests , saying that they were doing so on behalf of the whole world .
26 So on behalf of us all , a Great Thank you to Mary Keen .
27 There has been a petition and a lot of signatures collected , so on behalf of Grey Street residents , please keep the 11.17 running .
28 ‘ Voluntary groups are providing the services already and there 's no reason they should not continue to do so on behalf of the SSD , he says .
29 ‘ A rule compelling the critic of official conduct to guarantee the truth of all his factual assertions — and to do so on pain of libel judgments virtually unlimited in amount — leads to a comparable ‘ self-censorship . ’
30 To satisfy Moore 's requirements an activity has somehow on the one hand really to somehow matter , and on the other hand not to do so on account of anything ordinarily thought of as of practical use .
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